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Israeli Navy Uncovers Weaponry Intended for Terrorist Organization in the Gaza Strip

| May 30, 2011

Summary of the incident in which the IDF Navy uncovered on-board the cargo ship "Victoria" weaponry intended for the use of terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip.

Recording West Bank attacks – 22 Oct 09

| May 30, 2011

Some Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank are complaining that they are being attacked by Israeli settlers living nearby. To help documenting and reporting the violence, the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has been handing out small video cameras to farmers and teaching them how to use them

Third Intifada – Gaza, Palestine – Israel Shoots Unarmed Demonstrators – May 15, 2011 – Ken O’Keefe

| May 30, 2011

The people of the world not in a complete coma are rising, and it all heads to Palestine. There will be justice in Palestine!

Jewish History in ASL-Topic #3 Rebekkah

| May 30, 2011

Topics in Jewish history presented in ASL. For more information on our videos , see the JHAH section of the website


| May 30, 2011

Intent on shaking up the ultimate "sacred cow" for Jews, Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative - and at times irreverent - quest to answer the question, "What is anti-Semitism today?" Does it remain a dangerous and immediate threat? Or is it a scare tactic used by right-wing Zionists to discredit their critics

Holocaust Survivor Describes Ghetto and Death Camp

| May 30, 2011

Yisrael Gutman was born in Warsaw in 1923. His parents and older sister perished in the ghetto, and his younger sister was a member of Janusz Korczak's orphanage.

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