Holocaust Revisionism for Beginners part 2 – 2/4
admin | June 19, 2011
David McCalden and Bradley Smith discuss the impact of Revisionism on Freedom of Speech.
admin | June 19, 2011
David McCalden and Bradley Smith discuss the impact of Revisionism on Freedom of Speech.
simmons | June 19, 2011
Anne Frank Gearresteerd
simmons | June 19, 2011
lego jewish history lesson
simmons | June 19, 2011
Glenn Beck's deceptions are dangerous; so says an official report on the matter published by the Anti-Defamation League.
simmons | June 19, 2011
Following the German World War Two surrender, then-General Dwight D-Eisenhower witnessed firsthand the horrific scenes of the Holocaust. Eisenhower understood that it was necessary to document with visual evidence the atrocities witnessed at concentration camps and foresaw the era of Holocaust denial.