Benjamin Netanyahu wins bid – to be next Israel Prime Minister

| June 29, 2011

Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel's right-wing Likud party, has won the backing of a leading far-right party for his bid to become PM. Yisrael Beiteinu, led by Avigdor Lieberman, made substantial gains in the recent general election

Holocaust Denial Movie Debunked Part 11: Burial Space

| June 29, 2011

The fact that there WAS enough burial space in Treblinka to bury 700000 bodies is just one other fact which points out the fact that Denierbud's movie is a poorly thought-out lie. On to part 12:

West Bank Security Checkpoints

| June 29, 2011

A video clip that dramatically portrays the meeting of Israeli solders and Palestinians at controversial West Bank security checkpoints.

Israel, Lebanon, Syria: Lull before War?

| June 29, 2011

Israel has deployed new missile defence systems near its border with Lebanon, fearing strikes from Hezbollah. The Islamist group doesn't want its long-time ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to be toppled.

Kraven Seneca: Dance Company "Strange Fruit" @ BlakTino Festival 10.16.2009

| June 29, 2011

Love.Angel.Sorrow, Pt.

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