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The Reasoning Behind the Maritime Blockade on Gaza

| June 27, 2011

Since January 2009 Israel has imposed a maritime closure on the Gaza Strip for the purpose of protecting the security of Israel's Citizens. Five Steps is a short video explaining the reason for the closure and it's practical implications.

TOXIC HOLOCAUST – "Nowhere to Run"

| June 27, 2011

Pre-Order on iTunes here: Pre-Order at Relapse here: TOXIC HOLOCAUST - "Nowhere To Run"; taken from the album 'Conjure and Command' - coming July 19th on CD/Deluxe CD-DVD/LP/Deluxe 2xLP/Digital via Relapse Records. http

William Cooper – The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League #3 (Full Length)

| June 27, 2011

William Cooper The Ugly Truth About the Anti Defamation League #2 Full Length

| June 26, 2011

‘Israel should not trust US, but themselves’

| June 26, 2011

The former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gabriela Shalev, believes Israel should not rely on its powerful ally the US in vetoing the recognition of the Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority is planning to bring the case of recognition before the United Nations in September this year

Jews flee from Israel? ‘Right papers’ save from danger zone

| June 26, 2011

Israel was created as the promised land to provide a home for all the Jews of the world. But tens of thousands have fled the the country over the past few years and more are lining up to leave. RT's Paula Slier found that fears over security mean many are seeking a new safer life in Europe or the US.

Violent Riot in West Bank Village of Bil’in, February 18 2011

| June 25, 2011

The following video filmed today shows violent rioters in the West Bank town of Bil'in. After rioters caused damage to the security fence and hurled rocks at security forces, the security forces responded with dispersal means intended to disperse the violent gathering. Approximately 300 rioters gathered in Bil'in today

Holocaust Denial Seminar Anti Semitic KKK Allies, David Duke

| June 25, 2011

These are extreme fundamentalists who have come together, Just what are the Iranians doing with this seminar! As if they haven't rocked the boat enough? It is well-known that the Iranian President has said many times that the Holocaust is a myth and even if it were true, the numbers are over exaggerated.

Arab Appeasement: Libya war

| June 25, 2011

Political unity among all Palestinians is needed to achieve a peace deal with Israel. Russia's foreign minister voiced this view on the conflict, as he meets the two main Palestinian parties in Moscow. Upcoming municipal elections were also on the agenda, as Palestinians seek help to resolve their regional problems

Gaza Island

| June 25, 2011

The Freedom Flotilla 2, with 12+ boats carrying humanitarian aid and 1000+ peace activists, is sailing to Gaza in late June.

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