Sarah’s Key isn’t just a holocaust film

| July 18, 2011

"Sarah's Key" author Tatiana De Rosnay and Harvey Weinstein describe how it's not just another holocaust film

Holocaust Awareness Month

| July 18, 2011

I recently learned that March is Holocaust Awareness Month, and having come from German heritage, I wanted to show you all the truths of this terrible event.

Response to The Coming Apostate Masonic Messianic Judaism – part 2

| July 18, 2011

This is a response to a movie posted by Freethemasons who blocked me from comenting. However I thought I had valid points to make that Freethemasons obviously didn't want people to hear. This looks at the relationships between Christianity, Freemasony, Judaism, Occultism (especially Kabalism),Jesus (Yeshua), the Jewish temple, apocalyptic prophecies and the messianic movement.

We’ve got a strong desire

| July 18, 2011

On the Margins of the Holocaust

| July 18, 2011

Prof. Jan Grabowski of the Department of History, University of Ottawa, discusses the margins of the Holocaust

Liberal Judaism’s Day of Celebration 2011

| July 18, 2011

Once every two years Liberal Judaism dedicates a day to coming together and celebrating the achievements of Liberal Judaism and our 35 affiliated communities nationwide.

The Agenda-Loyalty Oath-10-29-2010-(Part5)

| July 18, 2011

For the first time since the creation of Israel 62 years ago, new citizens will be obliged to pledge loyalty to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state." The bill which was supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came despite a split within his own ruling Likud party after some predicted the new legislation was a terrible mistake which would incite the Arab minority.

TJC’s Jewish News Week in Review: July 15, 2011

| July 18, 2011 This week's top stories the tragic murder of a young boy in Brooklyn; Israel passes an controversial anti-boycott bill; a historic synagogue goes up in flames; old Jews telling jokes, and more.

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