Free Gaza from Hamas, not from the Blockade

| July 28, 2011

Psychologist and patient examine the motives of Freedom Flotillas, Flytillas and other such ploys to free Gaza that are becoming increasingly fashionable among anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian Activists. While their INTENTION to aid the Palestinian people is cause-worthy, their true agenda and MOTIVE are clearly NOT, as we shall soon discover. On one hand, Activists want to help the Palestinians.

Israel Propaganda The LIES About the West Bank

| July 28, 2011

Israel Propaganda The LIES About the West Bank

Naama Haviv | No lessons learned from the Holocaust?

| July 28, 2011

The world collectively promised "Never Again" after the Holocaust. But since 1945 we have stood witness to countless genocides and the intentional murder of millions.

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