Defying Israel’s naval blockade on Gaza
simmons | July 20, 2011
Defying Israel's naval blockade on Gaza
simmons | July 20, 2011
Defying Israel's naval blockade on Gaza
admin | July 20, 2011
People don't know this! The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.
admin | July 20, 2011
Israeli naval commandos seized control of a French ship attempting to break its blockade of the Gaza Strip and towed it into Ashdod port, reporting no resistance during the takeover in international waters. The ship Dignite-Al Karama was brought into Ashdod on Tuesday by Israeli naval ships.
admin | July 20, 2011
Three Israeli Navy combat ships have surrounded the only vessel of the Freedom Flotilla trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza.
admin | July 20, 2011
The Israeli military have boarded a ship of pro-Palestinian activists en route to Gaza, which is subjected to a naval blockade. No resistance was apparently put up. RT's Paula Slier reports from Israel.
admin | July 20, 2011
Ray McGovern, former CIA officer, speaks to the situation on board the US flotilla ship, the Audacity of Hope, which activists hoped to bring to Gaza. On Friday, they were turned around by the Greek coast guard, and forced back into a port in Athens.
simmons | July 19, 2011
This is a response to a movie posted by Freethemasons who blocked me from comenting.
simmons | July 19, 2011
9th Annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture at Florida International University Date: 10-05-2007 Speakers: Joseph Inikori, Professor of History, University of Rochester and Verene Shepherd, Professor of Social History, University of the West Indies, Jamaica Title: "Emancipation, the African Atlantic and the Long Road to Freedom"
simmons | July 19, 2011 • BMD1134; Aired on 22 Oct 2009 Today we present excerpts of Chapters 2, 10-11 of the Book of Isaiah from Judaism's Holy Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, and the ancient writings of the Talmud, embody the beliefs and practices of Judaism. Present in every aspect of the religion is a single, omniscient, and compassionate God
simmons | July 19, 2011
The Israeli navy has seized a French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists intent on breaking the blockade of the Gaza Strip.