Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011
admin | September 22, 2011 In this edition of the show Susan interviews Laila El-Haddad, Journalist and author of Gaza Mom.
admin | September 22, 2011 In this edition of the show Susan interviews Laila El-Haddad, Journalist and author of Gaza Mom.
admin | September 22, 2011
Jewish colonists planted 200 grape vines on Abu Haikal land in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, Palestine on 11 Aug 2011. The operation was carefully planned.
admin | September 22, 2011
THE LAST EYEWITNESS PROJECT: 70 Holocaust Survivors share stories @ Congregation Shir Ha-Ma 'alot on July 20, 2011, the Last Eyewitnesses to the Holocaust were asked by teens, "What is the one message you would leave for the next generation?" their answers were inspiring and full of hope and humor.
simmons | September 22, 2011
US president Barack Obama addressed the UN general assembly on Wednesday steering clear of making any commitments on Palestine's entry into the UN.
simmons | September 22, 2011
Syria accused Israel of posting a threat to the world because of its huge military nuclear arsenal.
admin | September 22, 2011
Just weeks before Israel celebrates the Succot holiday, Egypt announced it was barring the export of palm fronds to Israel and Jewish communities abroad. The Egyptian Agricultural Ministry said the ban would remain in effect until the end of the year
simmons | September 22, 2011
In his annual UN speech, President Barack Obama has hailed the Arab Spring, but warned that a Palestinian drive for a statehood vote is a dangerous diversion. (Sept
simmons | September 22, 2011
This segment on the Ayalon Institute was featured in part two in The History Channel's "Cities of the Underworld" series.
simmons | September 22, 2011
Turkey's Foreign Minister walked out of a UN sponsored symposium on international counter-terrorism cooperation just moments before Israeli Deputy Foreign Ministter Danny Ayalon was set to make a speech. Commenting on Davutoglu's departure before his speech, Daniel Ayalon stated he was sorry that "not all NATO members see fit to cooperate with Israel in the session." French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe and his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini also spoke at the conference. The incident was one more in a series of steps taken by the Turkish government against Israel in the ongoing deterioration in ties between Ankara and Jerusalem.
simmons | September 21, 2011 Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human civilization is far more mundane, and it's right in front of our noses