Defamation – ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust – Video

| November 23, 2011

Used in this post Abe Foxman the head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the worlds largest advocate for Israel and fighting Anti-Semitism meets with Yushchenkos advisors and warns them not to compare the two genocides the Holodomor and the Holocaust: Abe Foxman (head of the ADL): But one thing that you need to be sensitive about is not to link it (the Holodomor) with the Holocaust. Be careful that it not be linked as your genocide and our genocide, because that would be counter-productive. Israel has still yet to recognize the Holodomor as genocide.

Anne Frank: The Whole Story Part 9 – Video

| November 23, 2011

Part 9

Shin Bet arrests two West Bank terror cells – Video

| November 23, 2011

The Shin Bet security service announced on Wednesday that over the past two months it broke up two terrorist cells in the West Bank that had conducted shooting attacks and planted explosive charges against Israel Defense Forces patrols.

Paul to Israel: Take care of yourself – Video

| November 23, 2011

Ron Paul said the US should distance itself from Israel in the most recent Republican presidential debate, saying the country is "quite capable of taking care of themselves."

An open letter from Anonymous to the Government of Israel – Video

| November 23, 2011

Greetings government of Israel, As the world has witnessed today your Navy soldiers boarded the vessels which were en-route to the Gaza Strip, attempting to break the illegal maritime security blockade placed by you to hurt the people of Gaza in the name of counter terrorism. Two Irish-Canadian flotilla ships - Canadian Tahrir (Liberation), and the Irish Saoirse (Freedom) - with 27 passengers from nine countries on board were approaching Gaza in a peaceful and humanitarian mission

Israel to equip schools with biometric location systems – Video

| November 23, 2011

Bezeq International announced Sunday that it will install 'cloud model' biometric location transmitters in every Israeli elementary school.

Roberto Cavalli kicks off Israel’s fashion week – Video

| November 23, 2011

Nov. 22 - Tel Aviv holds its first fashion week in more than 30 years. Alicia Powell reports.

Cyprus, Turkey and Israel wrestle over gas – Video

| November 23, 2011 Cyprus went drilling for gas in September, partnered up with the US firm Noble Energy, from Texas. Nicosia has high hopes for its exclusive economic zone, though that exclusivity is open to question.

Gaza’s baby boom generation – Video

| November 23, 2011

It is one of the most densely populated places on earth, but in the Gaza Strip, the population continues to rise.

Israel New Holocaust

| November 23, 2011

Israel is afraid that history is about to repeat itself. If you look back over the history of the various persecutions and expulsions of Jewish people going on for 2000 years you see the same pattern repeated over and over again where this Jewish cabal will get control of the financial system and subvert it and the government in order to turn the nation into a machine that generates wealth for the select few and then there is a backlash and they run screaming across the boarder and say "WHAT DID WE DO???...

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