Operation Free Palestine – #OpFreePalestine – Video
simmons | January 23, 2012
28-12-2011 12:22 Dear Citizens of the world, We live in the most troubled times! Ravaged by debt, enslaved by greed, and trapped by media lies! Our lives have become such a burden, that we forgo the very basic instincts of our being - to care for our fellow brothers and sisters, We must dare to speak out in support of the Palestinian people who resist and endorse the horrific existence brought upon them through our blood thirsty imperial crusade. The people of Palestine wake up in fear everyday knowing it may be their last; they walk the streets with military tanks aiming at them, they have to go through military checkpoints every day just to get to school or work, they are denied their basic human rights, they are shot at from point blank range for peacefully protesting, innocent Palestinian children are used as human shields by the Zionist IDF soldiers. We at Anonymous and TeaMp0isoN would like you to take a few minutes out from your busy lives and just imagine the following existence for you, your family or those you hold dear: Imagine you wake up with no hope every day, imagine your very existence, the future of your children, even the future of your nation was decided by the bullets of an occupying force! Imagine your children growing up accepting death as an inevitable consequence of being who they are! Imagine accepting the indignity of being searched, denied the freedom of movement in your own country; imagine having to queue up at a check point with a terminally or fatally ...