simmons | September 26, 2012
26-09-2012 07:59 To what degree does the Israeli lobby have a hand in the US presidential campaign? Is its role overestimated? Is Netanyahu (dangerously) meddling into American domestic politics?
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on CrossTalk: Israel Snubbed – Video
richards | September 26, 2012
By Flavia Krause-Jackson - 2012-09-26T11:19:51Z This time last year Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was a hero to his people as he waved an application for statehood recognition from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly. The gambit was met with a standing ovation and cheers by an audience of ambassadors and world leaders, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remained seated and stone-faced. Abbas will deliver a different kind of speech tomorrow when he returns to the UN dais
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Palestinian Leader Abbas Back at UN With Lowered Aims
richards | September 26, 2012
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Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Roasted Sweet Potato Salad 3 quarts sweet potatoes, cut into wedges 6 tablespoons oil 1 1/2 cups red pepper, julienne …