Obama's Record on Israel a Hot Topic

| October 23, 2012

For Lynn University Students, a Front-Row Seat at Crucial Presidential Debate Students Anne Marie Van Casterin and Aura Cruz spoke about the experience of having the final presidential debate at their university. Foreign policy was the main subject of the debate, though the candidates also discussed the economy

Maurice Mizrahi – The beginning of Judaism (Lech Lecha) – Video

| October 23, 2012

Maurice Mizrahi - The beginning of Judaism (Lech Lecha) This week's Torah portion, Lech Lecha, describes the beginning of Judaism.

Ask Yael – October 2012 – Video

| October 23, 2012

Ask Yael - October 2012 This month Ardith asks, "I know the Hebrew calendar and the total number of days differs from our Gentile calendar which reflects our use of 6,ooo years. Do Jewish history books explain this?" Watch Yael answer this great question!From:IFCJ25Views:829 0ratingsTime:02:50More inNonprofits Activism

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