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30 years of Darkness – Official Trailer – Video

| November 5, 2012

30 years of Darkness - Official Trailer Documentary by Manuel H. Martn 2011, Spain, 85' 30 Years of Darkness is not a documentary about the Spanish Civil War. It goes further

‘Fate of Gaza-bound activists unknown’ – Video

| November 5, 2012

'Fate of Gaza-bound activists unknown' A pro-Palestinian peace activist tells Press TV that the fate of the pro-Palestinian peace activists nabbed by the Israeli regime's military during the forces' raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla is still unknown as they cut off all the communications to prevent any news from leaking to the world.

Israel’s interception of aid ship illegal – Video

| November 5, 2012

Israel's interception of aid ship illegal Israel claims that intercepting and stopping the Swedish aid ship Estelle, which was on its way to Gaza, in international waters was done in line with international law. The Swedish ship was 55 kilometers off the coast of Gaza when it was stopped and boarded in its attempt to breach the Israeli blockade. The cargo included olive trees, cement, medical equipment, book s and children's toys

Israel beginning to lose international support – Video

| November 5, 2012

Israel beginning to lose international support The Israeli navy, in international waters, has attacked and boarded Swedish Pro-Palestinian ship Estelle, which was carrying aid to the impoverished Gaza Strip. The Swedish ship was attacked 55 kilometers off the coast of Gaza in its attempt to breach the Israeli blockade

Pope Calls Holocaust Denial Intolerable And Unacceptable – Video

| November 5, 2012

Pope Calls Holocaust Denial Intolerable And Unacceptable http These are poor little sheep who have lost their way.From:BishopOfSardisViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:59More inNonprofits Activism

Turkish Military 2013 Ready for final War – Video

| November 5, 2012

Turkish Military 2013 Ready for final War turkish army 201 2013 turk askeri armed forcest rkische streitkrafte turk silahli kuvvetleri luftwaffe air force gaza israel usa rank atat rk tsk 2013 kasirga t155 t129 f16 f35 frigate uav missile boat history attack hell march best azerbaijan altay milit r afghanistan iraq iran pakistan russ bozkurt yemin treni 30 agustos zafer bayrami istanbul japan army russia aislamaskerparadechinesekorea navy weapon stars komando anti cobra marines militarysoldier chinaTurkish Armed Forces | Turkey Defence Industri| 2011 - 2012not win on the basis of weapons and number of soldiers it win due to good planning,Passion,active and brave people. Best 4 World armies! BEST ELITE TROOPS IN THE WORLD Best commandos of the worldTop 5 world top 10Secret Russian tanks military power Speciastrongest military forces of the world l Forces units in the world strongest military forces of the world Soldiers from around the worldGerman Military Power Demonstration 2011 Pakistan's secerate agency ISI is top1 secerate agency ofTop 10 armies in the world the world.Its army stood first in international army competition and you can search the past history of Muslims and then decide who is the best MBTtankswarM1A2T90T90SChallengerLeopardLeopard2A6LeclercType-90europeenglandrussiaUSAvsiraqiranarmy TankstankleopardmilitarygermanLeopardTankBeastfromEuropeWW2Leopard2a6bestintheworldballisticsEuropeanarmorDeutchesPanzerEuroEireThe Leopard 2 is a German main battle tank produced by the German company Krauss ...From:MehdiHU571sonViews:15 1ratingsTime:01:39More inPeople Blogs

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