PhotoStory1 – Video
simmons | December 3, 2012
PhotoStory1 Anne FrankFrom:Mequell JordanViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:57More inEducation
simmons | December 3, 2012
PhotoStory1 Anne FrankFrom:Mequell JordanViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:57More inEducation
richards | December 3, 2012
Baptist Press Stories for Dec. 3 2012 --------------------------------------- WEEK OF PRAYER: Nepalese believer 'ready' for God's call Survey: Most back contraception mandate Land: Senate needs to reject disabilities treaty Zig Ziglar gets 'See You at the Top' farewell Wyo.
simmons | December 3, 2012
assimilation Assimilation is a part of Jewish history Wonder what it has to do with the holiday that celebrates defying assimilation? Visit my website: Facebook: Ben Czeladnicki Twitter: wonderingjewtheFrom:thewonderingjewViews:4 1ratingsTime:04:26More inEntertainment
admin | December 2, 2012
Palestine - Victims of corrupted Democracy While it is the the British who established the conditions suitable for such an illegitimate concept, it is America that proudly gave birth to Israel. And now this brainchild of Zionism is literary running, distorting and corrupting the very institutions of power that created it. The reason that Israel inspires so much support in the US is because they have set up effective tools within the Government that acts as both purveyors of propaganda and as a bulwark against honest pragmatic discussion on foreign policy.
admin | December 2, 2012
Harassed in Gaza: Internationals Under Threat - a video for An impromptu documentary capturing Israeli soldiers' threats of violence, by Harry Fear - - Dedicated to the sufferers of constant harassment under Israeli occupation in the West Bank of Palestine.From:harryfearViews:30 6ratingsTime:02:48More inNews Politics
admin | December 2, 2012
tightening the screws of occupation! After much fanfare, who are the ones at the receiving end?
admin | December 2, 2012
Extended Phillip DeFranco Response: Israel-Gaza Conflict This video briefly explains the Israel-Gaza conflict. For more information, you can check out my blog: NOTE The 1947 UN Partition Plan did not establish Israel - the UN does not have the power to establish states, only to recommend and/or recognize them. The Plan was a recommendation, not a binding resolution, and the Arabs rejected the recommendation
admin | December 2, 2012
Philip DeFranco Response: Israel-Gaza Conflict This video briefly explains the Israel-Gaza conflict.
admin | December 2, 2012
Abbas returns fresh from UN victory Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, has returned to the West Bank after securing non-voting observer status for Palestine at the United Nations. Though thousands took to the streets of Ramallah to greet him, Abbas does face stiff challenges from both Hamas in Gaza and Israel
admin | December 2, 2012
Fishermen in Gaza Face Harassment from Israeli Navy Despite Relaxed Restrictions Correspondent Kate Parkinson reports on claims of daily harassment of fishermen in Gaza by the Israeli Navy despite Israel's recent relaxation of fishing restrictions along its coast.From:BizAsiaAmericaViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:25More inNews Politics