Ephesus-Sea of Galilee and Capernaum Video – Video
simmons | February 16, 2013
Ephesus-Sea of Galilee and Capernaum Video This video was made from our trip to Israel in 2008.
simmons | February 16, 2013
Ephesus-Sea of Galilee and Capernaum Video This video was made from our trip to Israel in 2008.
simmons | February 16, 2013
Harlem Shake (Israel) Girls Style Israel By: Neta K
simmons | February 16, 2013
Harlem Shake Class Style [Israel] - v2/3 Harlem Shake - The Israeli CLASS Style The BEST Harlem Shake video of students going CRAZY in the classroom Hottest most Fun party ever created GO SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com FOLLOW US on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com http://www.twitter.com **All Musical Content rights go to the appropriate owner. We do NOT own the music content in this video. "The Harlem Shake" by Baauer** By: alicki
simmons | February 16, 2013
Israel wants a second season of Beauty and the Beast WE WANT A SECOND SEASON OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST OUR PAGE ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com By: romi1016
simmons | February 16, 2013
RIOT INTERVIEW @ RESHET GIMEL Join Our Fan Page Stay Tuned: http://www.facebook.com Riot is an electronic dance music duo from israel. The two have been working together And are now ready to break their music to the world
admin | February 16, 2013
Lydia Bennet, Margo Roth Speiglman, and Anne Frank Reaction to LBD videos and Paper Towns By: Emi Adachi
admin | February 15, 2013
Huge blasts in Gaza City as Israel targets Hamas compound. sraeli missiles hit the headquarters of the Palestinian National Security Forces. The air strike caused a huge explosion, leaving one building in flames
admin | February 15, 2013
Israel flags On the way into Ashqelon tonight I thought these would look good to see. war, gog, magog, pre tribulation rapture, pretribulation rapture, rapture, heresy, van impie, harold camping, money, peace, tbn, hinn, tree, rocket, rockets, gaza, attacked, ashqelon israel By: ashqelonsunset
admin | February 15, 2013
Esau's Progeny The Spirit of Esau - Anti-Semitism Kristallnacht Remembered Kristallnacht, or "the Night of Broken Glass". Back in 1938, the Nazis burned over 267 synagogues, sacked Jewish homes and businesses, killing close to 100 Jews, and arresting and deporting some 30000 others to concentration camps
richards | February 15, 2013
Moderator: Edward Schumacher-Matos, Ombudsman, National Public Radio Speakers: Edward Alden, Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Land, President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention, and Eliseo Medina, International Secretary-Treasurer, Service Employees International Union February 14, 2013 Council on Foreign Relations EDWARD SCHUMACHER-MATOS: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations for this program this morning on immigration reform.