Henry Louis Gates: “Since slavery ended, all political movements have been about race”
richards | October 20, 2013
Henry Louis Gates is on a mission to change how race is taught in America.
richards | October 20, 2013
Henry Louis Gates is on a mission to change how race is taught in America.
admin | October 20, 2013
Israel telephones Gaza citizens to slam Hamas for wasting building supplies on terror tunnels Residents of the Gaza Strip have said they have received telephone calls from Israeli soldiers, who accused the Hamas group of not taking care of the local c... By: JewishNewsOne
richards | October 20, 2013
Joe Biden's 'Jewish Pride' Should Be a Guide getty images Bidens Support: Vice President Biden who spoke at the years J Street conference has said that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that its fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage. If youve read my previous columns, you know I believe in the centrality of Israel in Jewish civilization, that in the past few decades, Israel has transformed from being a project of world Jewry into becoming its beating heart, and that the future of Jewish creativity, confidence and influence are going to happen primarily in Hebrew and in the Jewish homeland. But what if I didnt believe that
richards | October 20, 2013
TK By David Hazony Published October 20, 2013, issue of October 25, 2013. f youve read my previous columns, you know I believe in the centrality of Israel in Jewish civilization, that in the past few decades, Israel has transformed from being a project of world Jewry into becoming its beating heart, and that the future of Jewish creativity, confidence and influence are going to happen primarily in Hebrew and in the Jewish homeland. But what if I didnt believe that?
simmons | October 20, 2013
Israel Figures War with Iran Israel Figures War with Iran. By: Above Science
richards | October 20, 2013
Five years before the beginning of the Civil War, Robert E.