Anti-Semitism | Monitoring, Exposing & Fighting Against …
simmons | May 8, 2014
From the Johnson County SheriffMost readers undoubtedly know that 73-year-old longtime white racial activist Frazier Glenn Miller, who media outlets are also identifying as Frazier Glenn Cross, has been arrested as a person of interest in the shooting of three different people at two different Jewish centers in the Kansas City metro area on April [] Fair Usage Law May 2, 2014 Postedin:Abraham Foxman, ADL, Anti-Defamation League, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Semitism News, Hate Crimes, Jewish, Jewish American Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage, Jewish History, Jewish Lobby, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Judaism, Ku Klux Klan, Neo Nazi, Race Relations, Racism News, Racist News, Southern Poverty Law Center, Terrorism, White Nationalism, White Power, White Supremacism, William Luther Pierce, Zionism Comments Closed ENGLISH The relevance of Mary Phagan to white children todayby John de Nugent on April 26, 2013My sheriff race makes the legal case for the murder by Leo Max Frank of Mary Ann Phagan, though now a century old, even more important now than it already has been since 1913.The Leo Frank case is also [] Fair Usage Law April 26, 2014 Postedin:ADL, Anti-Defamation League, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Semitism News, B'nai B'rith, Hate Speech, Jewish, Jewish American Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage, Jewish History, Jews, Judaism, Ku Klux Klan, Leo Frank, Race Relations, Racism News, Racist News, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, White Nationalism, White Supremacism, Zionism Comments Closed If you asked one of your friends, acquaintances, or family members, whether or nottheyve heard of the musical called Parade, chances are most people would likelyshake their heads and say something along the lines of, No, Ive never heard of itbefore. Yet amongst theatre fans around the world, Parade is a cult classic.