Daf Yomi Talmud Rosh Hashana Jewish New Year page 4 Gemarrah ‘ – Video
richards | May 13, 2014
Daf Yomi Talmud Rosh Hashana Jewish New Year page 4 Gemarrah' Talmud daf Yomi class for Rosh Hashana, The Jewish New Year by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P
richards | May 13, 2014
Daf Yomi Talmud Rosh Hashana Jewish New Year page 4 Gemarrah' Talmud daf Yomi class for Rosh Hashana, The Jewish New Year by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P
richards | May 13, 2014
United Synagogue - Save our Shuls Produced, Written Directed by Jeremy Wootliff. By: Jeremy Wootliff
richards | May 13, 2014
Part 3 Jewish gutter rat admits that he's of the synagogue of satan ALL PRAISES TO YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI. By: GMS ATL
richards | May 13, 2014
In an effort to attract families and other members who may be turned-off by the concept of traditional dues, Mekor Shalom, the newest Conservative synagogue in Tampa is adopting a relatively new concept: a 100% voluntary contribution system. We are a shul (synagogue) where the presence and involvement of every person is valued, says Mekor Shalom President Chris Shulman. We know that not everyone can afford the same level of dues, and we never want ability to pay to be seen as a barrier to membership and involvement
richards | May 13, 2014
NASHVILLE, Tenn. Three people were arrested for breaking into West End Synagogue after they were caught trying to sell the stolen items. Around 1 a.m
richards | May 13, 2014
NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Three people have been arrested in connection to a burglary at a Nashville synagogue, and members of the synagogue were able to help capture the people accused of the crime. About $10,000 in silver religious ornaments was taken from West End Synagogue on Monday morning around 1 a.m.
richards | May 13, 2014
AVENTURA, Fla. -- Two and a half years ago David Bassan, a Venezuelan Sephardic Jew, was vacationing in Israel when a relative was kidnapped in Caracas while driving the car Bassan had loaned him.
richards | May 13, 2014
AVENTURA, Fla. -- Two and a half years ago David Bassan, a Venezuelan Sephardic Jew, was vacationing in Israel when a relative was kidnapped in Caracas while driving the car Bassan had loaned him. The relative was released and Bassan quickly realized it could have been him
richards | May 13, 2014
By Gwynne Dyer The Spanish parliament still has to pass the new citizenship law, but the cabinet has already approved it and Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardn is sure there wont be a problem. In Spain, a clear majority realize we have committed a historical error and have an opportunity to repair it, so I am sure that law will pass with an immense majority in parliament, he said
richards | May 13, 2014
Two Dozen Adherents Move to Rural Village getty images Stranger and Stranger: Women in the Lev Tahor sectwear a burqa like uniform that has led some to call the group the Jewish Taliban. Published May 12, 2014.