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GPS GAZA – espetculo adulto – Video

| April 13, 2015

GPS GAZA - espetculo adulto gravado por Leandro Lefa em 21 de janeiro de 2015 no Teatro do Centro Histrico-Cultural Santa Casa - Porto Alegre/RS FICHA TCNICA Concepo e Roteiro: Camila Bauer e Deborah Finocchiaro. By: Deborah Finocchiaro

Talmud Daf Yomi Ketubot Kesubos 53 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum ” – Video

| April 13, 2015

Talmud Daf Yomi Ketubot Kesubos 53 Gemarrah Rabbi Weisblum " Talmud daf Yomi class for Tractate Ketubot Kesubos Ketuvot Kesuvos, by Rabbi Dr. Moshe P. Weisblum.

What Is The Talmud?

| April 13, 2015

Summary Jews believe that the entire Torah (Five Books of Moses) was written by Moses as dictated by G-d. This includes all of the happenings recorded in it from the time of creation

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