Dead Sea Scrolls – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| May 13, 2015

The Dead Sea Scrolls The Psalms Scroll (11Q5), one of the 972 texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, with a partial Hebrew transcription.

Holocaust Revisionism – Conspiracy Theories – TIME

| May 13, 2015

Margaret Bourke White Despite overwhelming evidence and an admission and apology from Germany decades ago, revisionists continue to claim that nearly 6 million Jews were not killed by Nazis during the Holocaust. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for one, has called the Holocaust a "myth" and suggested that Germany and other European countries, rather than Palestine, provide land for a Jewish state — What is revisionism?

| May 13, 2015

Revisionism Pronunciation: ri-'vi-zh&-"ni-z&m Noun: 1: advocacy of revision; revisal Holocaust Revisionism: Pronunciation: 'hO-l&-"kost, ri-'vi-zh&-"ni-z&m Noun: 1: The act of revising World War Two history in accordance with the real facts What Holocaust Revisionism is and is not: Revisionists object to the terminology, "THE Holocaust," which by implication suggests it was unique, monumental, over-arching, perhaps even the central historical event of our century if not epoch.

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