richards | May 14, 2015
In this photo taken on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, a jewish woman reads a book at the main Jewish synagogue in Lisbon. Portugal enacted in March a law to grant citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews exiled during the Inquisition 500 years ago
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richards | May 14, 2015
admin | May 12, 2015 Hamas (Arabic: ams, an acronym of arakat al-Muqwamah al-Islmiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement) is a Palestinian Islamic[10] organization, with an associated military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades,[11] in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere in the Middle East including Qatar.[12] Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by Canada,[13]Israel, Japan,[14][15] and the United States.[16]Australia and the United Kingdom have designated the military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, as a terrorist organization.[17][18] The organization is banned in Jordan.[19] It is not regarded as a terrorist organization by Iran, Russia,[20]Norway,[21]Switzerland,[22]Brazil,[23]Turkey,[24]China,[25][26][27][28] and Qatar.[29] Based on the principles of Islamism gaining momentum throughout the Arab world in the 1980s, Hamas was founded sometime in 1988[30] soon after the First Intifada broke out, as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood,[3][4] which in its Gaza branch had been non-confrontational towards Israel, refrained from resistance, and was hostile to the PLO.[31] Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987, and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988, that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.[32][33] The group has later stated that it may accept a 10-year truce if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders and allows Palestinian refugees from 1948, as well as their descendants, to return to what is now Israel.[34][35][36][37] The military wing of Hamas has launched attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. Tactics include suicide bombings, and since 2001, rocket attacks.[38][38][39][40][41][42][43] Hamass rocket arsenal has evolved from short-range, homemade Qassam rockets, to long-range weapons that have reached major Israeli cities including Tel Aviv and Haifa.[44][45] The attacks on civilians have been condemned as war crimes and crimes against humanity by human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch.[46][47] In the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, Hamas won a decisive majority in the Palestinian Parliament,[48] defeating the PLO-affiliated Fatah party.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | May 13, 2015
The Dead Sea Scrolls The Psalms Scroll (11Q5), one of the 972 texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, with a partial Hebrew transcription.
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admin | May 13, 2015
Margaret Bourke White Despite overwhelming evidence and an admission and apology from Germany decades ago, revisionists continue to claim that nearly 6 million Jews were not killed by Nazis during the Holocaust. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for one, has called the Holocaust a "myth" and suggested that Germany and other European countries, rather than Palestine, provide land for a Jewish state
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admin | May 13, 2015
Revisionism Pronunciation: ri-'vi-zh&-"ni-z&m Noun: 1: advocacy of revision; revisal Holocaust Revisionism: Pronunciation: 'hO-l&-"kost, ri-'vi-zh&-"ni-z&m Noun: 1: The act of revising World War Two history in accordance with the real facts What Holocaust Revisionism is and is not: Revisionists object to the terminology, "THE Holocaust," which by implication suggests it was unique, monumental, over-arching, perhaps even the central historical event of our century if not epoch.
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richards | May 12, 2015
The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU is presenting two events this month in commemoration of Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM). JAHM is a national commemoration of the contributions American Jews have made to the fabric of the nation's history, culture and society
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | May 12, 2015
Skip to main content Newly named in recognition of a $20 million gift from the Samerian Foundation, the Museums Simon-Skjodt Center is working to make genocide prevention a global priority. During the spring of 1945, Allied forces liberated concentration camps throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, bringing to light the full extent of the Holocaust.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | May 12, 2015
Whether you are just beginning to learn about the Holocaust or you are looking for more in-depth stories about the subject, this page is for you. The beginner will find a glossary, a timeline, a list of the camps, a map, and much more
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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simmons | May 12, 2015
lmost 800 people will be participating in the Global Forum on anti-Semitism which opens this evening in Jerusalem. Sponsored by the Prime Ministers Office, this is by far the largest such gathering which has taken place in recent years
Category: Anti-Semitsm |
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simmons | May 12, 2015
Diaspora,( Greek: Dispersion)Hebrew Galut (Exile), the dispersion of Jews among the Gentiles after the Babylonian Exile; or the aggregate of Jews or Jewish communities scattered in exile outside Palestine or present-day Israel.
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