simmons | July 26, 2015
Palestine (Arabic: Filasn, Falasn, Filisn; Greek: , Palaistin; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories.
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admin | July 26, 2015
By Omar Al Saadoon and Luay Al Khatteeb The concept of the 'Rule of Law' is a very wide subject encompassing issues such as institutional reform, hum...
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admin | July 26, 2015
I should first admit that it took quite a lot for me to actually go see Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantinos latest about a special Army unit of Jewish avengers, led by a half-Cherokee Good Ol Boy, who rampage through German-occupied France, killing, scalping, and/or branding top Nazis, eventually slaughtering no less than the German Fhrer. Im certainly not against counter-factual reverie, or blood splatter, and I dont hold any reverence for the Nazi regime or feel uncomfortable with the Kill Adolf premise. (Indeed, Id love to watch a filmic portrayal of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or one of Claus von Stauffenberg that didnt devolve into a shallow action flick la Valkyrie.) The problem is, when I saw the preview for Basterds, I simply sensed that it wasnt made for someone like me, that I didnt have the right disposition to enjoy it.
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