Holocaust – Wikipedia
simmons | August 17, 2015
De Holocaust, ook wel Shoah, Shoa of Sjoa (Hebreeuws: Ha-Shoah) genoemd, was de systematische Jodenvervolging door de nazi's en hun bondgenoten voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
simmons | August 17, 2015
De Holocaust, ook wel Shoah, Shoa of Sjoa (Hebreeuws: Ha-Shoah) genoemd, was de systematische Jodenvervolging door de nazi's en hun bondgenoten voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
admin | August 17, 2015
Level: Basic Israel is the land promised to Abraham in the Bible Israel is central to the Jewish religion Zionism is a political movement to establish a Jewish homeland Israel is a democratic country Israel is home to more than 1/3 of the world's Jews 20% of Israel's citizens are not Jewish The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, and the story of Abraham begins when G-d tells him to leave his homeland, promising Abraham and his descendants a new home in the land of Canaan. (Gen. 12).
admin | August 17, 2015
Dolmens Hundreds of dolmens have been found in the Golan Heights. Used for burial in the basalt areas where grave digging is difficult, dolmens were used for burial during both the Early Bronze I and Intermediate Bronze periods.