admin | September 23, 2015
Peace is one of those things everyone says they want, but can't seem to find. Some claim that only they are for it and that others are against it, although those against it would probably disagree. So if everyone really wants it, then what's the problem, right
Category: Zionism |
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simmons | September 22, 2015
Ive read the Great Gatsby more than a dozen times. Its one of those reference books for me, in that I find I can come back to it again and again are learn something new each time. Recently I saw a preview for the upcoming film version of The Great Gatsby (directed by Baz Luhrmann who didMoulin Rouge!)
Category: Anti-Semitsm |
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richards | September 22, 2015
Boca Raton, Florida is one of the fastest growing Orthodox Jewish communities in America.
Category: Synagogue |
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admin | September 21, 2015
Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, ) is the set of Jewish religious dietary laws. Food that may be consumed according to halakha (Jewish law) is termed kosher in English, from the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Hebrew term kashr (), meaning "fit" (in this context, fit for consumption). Among the numerous laws that form part of kashrut are the prohibitions on the consumption of unclean animals (such as pork, shellfish (both Mollusca and Crustacea) and most insects, with the exception of certain species of kosher locusts), mixtures of meat and milk, and the commandment to slaughter mammals and birds according to a process known as shechita.
Category: Uncategorized |
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richards | September 20, 2015
By Jennifer Epstein 05/21/13, 08:07 PM EDT Vice President Joe Biden spoke at length Tuesday night about the influence of Judaism on the United States, dating back to the country's founding and to the present day as Jews helped shape views on gay rights. The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that its fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage, he said.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | September 20, 2015
By Jennifer Epstein 05/21/13, 08:07 PM EDT Vice President Joe Biden spoke at length Tuesday night about the influence of Judaism on the United States, dating back to the country's founding and to the present day as Jews helped shape views on gay rights. The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that its fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage, he said. The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Biden: ‘Jewish heritage is American heritage’ – POLITICO
richards | September 20, 2015
Mr. Texe Marrs reports on the definitive new DNA study by Dr. Eran Elhaik of the prestigious Johns Hopkins Medical University, reported in the Oxford Press and in The Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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admin | September 19, 2015
Elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) were held on 25 January 2006. The result was a victory for Change and Reform, who won with 74 seats of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah won just 45. In terms of votes received, Change and Reform took 44.45% of the vote, whilst Fatah received 41.43%[1] and of the Electoral Districts, Change and Reform party candidates received 41.73% and Fatah party candidates received 36.96%.
Category: Uncategorized |
Comments Off on Palestinian legislative election, 2006 – Wikipedia, the …
richards | September 19, 2015
Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. O Talmude (em hebraico: , transl. Talmud) um livro Sagrado dos judeus[1] , um registro das discusses rabnicas que pertencem lei, tica, costumes e histria do judasmo[2]
Category: Talmud |
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richards | September 19, 2015
"The case for government intervention [in hasidic schools] isnt complicated.
Category: Hasidic |
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