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Golan Heights News on October 13, 2015 at 1:40 PM

| October 31, 2015

Israeli artillery struck two Syrian army posts on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights Tuesday in response torockets that reportedly fell onIsraeli territory earlier in the day. The move comes as Israeli... The Israeli military says it has conducted artillery attacks against Syrian army posts in the Golan Heights.

BBC – Schools – Religion – Judaism

| October 31, 2015

Judaism has about 13 million followers throughout the world, mostly in USA and Israel. Aproximately 270,100 people in the UK said that their religious identity was Jewish (2011 census)

All About Judaism – 10 Basic Questions and Answers about Judaism

| October 31, 2015

By Ariela Pelaia 1.

Judaism and Jewish Resources – Andrew Tannenbaum

| October 31, 2015

This web page is twenty years old.

Jews – News – Times Topics – The New York Times

| October 31, 2015

Confluence of Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, beginning of Muslim feast of sacrifice Eid al-Adha and visit by Pope Francis showcases religious side of New York City. MORE Kehilath Jeshurun, synagogue on Manhattan's Upper East Side nearly destroyed by fire in 2011, reopens in time for Rosh Hashana; extensively reconstructed building, which is home to one of most wealthy and influential congregations in Manhattan, features new floors, classroom and chapel. MORE New York City Board of Health repeals rule requiring parental consent forms for controversial circumcision ritual practiced by ultra-Orthodox Jews; risk of herpes transmission through ritual remains, but some board members who were previously in favor of forms have changed position due to city's strained relationship with Orthodox community.

How the Middle East Conflict Is Warping Judaism – Opinion …

| October 31, 2015

Sunday will be the 12th of Cheshvan, a grim anniversary: 20 years since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.

Texts of Judaism

| October 31, 2015

Sacred-texts home Journal Articles: Judaism ORCT: Judaism Jewish Date Samaritans Buy CD-ROM Buy books about Judaism Tanakh Talmud Haggada Kabbalah Midrash Haggadah Prayer Books (Siddur) Ancient/Medieval Modern Links Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible, the quintessential sacred text.

Angel Types In Judaism – Religion & Spirituality

| October 31, 2015

New Vision Technologies, Inc. / Getty Images Judaism reveres the spiritual beings known as angels, who worship God and act as His messengers toward people. God has created a tremendous amount of angels -- more than people can count.

Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism – ReligionFacts

| October 31, 2015

Christianity Christians 2 billion Europe, North and South America, Africa Bible (Hebrew Bible + New Testament) Canon Law priests, ministers, pastors, bishops church or chapel Sunday 1st century CE ancient Palestine under Roman rule Aramaic and Greek within 60 years, churches in major cities in Palestine, Turkey, Greece and Rome; entire Roman Empire by end of 4th cent. Catholic-Orthodox (1054); Catholic-Protestant (1500s) Trinitarian monotheism Son of God, God incarnate, Word of God, Messiah, savior of the world virgin birth normal death plus spiritual suffering affirmed prophets; Jesus (as God incarnate); Bible inspired by God; some believe inerrant in original languages created good but all inherit "original sin" from Adam, causing a tendency to evil correct belief, faith, good deeds, sacraments (Protestants emphasize faith alone) eternal Heaven eternal Hell (most denominations) Islam Muslims 1.3 billion Middle East, Southeast Asia Qur'an (sacred text); Hadith (tradition) Sharia imams mosque Friday 622 CE Arabia Arabic within 12 years, entire Arabian peninsula; within 100 years, Muslim world stretched from the Atlantic to China Shia-Sunni (c. 650 CE) strict monotheim true prophet of God, whose message has been corrupted virgin birth did not die; ascended into heaven during crucifixion affirmed earlier prophets (message corrupted); Prophet Muhammad as recorded perfectly in Qur'an inspired, literal word of God; inerrant in original language born with equal ability to do good or evil correct belief, good deeds, Five Pillars Paradise Hell Judaism Jews 14 million Israel, Europe, USA Hebrew Bible (Tanakh); Talmud Halakhah rabbis synagogue or temple Saturday c

The Jewish Press Judaism

| October 31, 2015

Posted on: October 30th, 2015 The struggle of living both in the spiritual & physical worlds is our mission & potential greatness Posted on: October 30th, 2015 Both portions deal with Gods promises to Avraham; Lech Lecha is nationalistic, Vayeira is universal Posted on: October 29th, 2015 What does the odd bargaining session between Abraham & God mean? What does it teach about Abraham? Posted on: October 29th, 2015 The Shita Mekubetzes there asks why the Gemara did not cite a source to permit the consumption of milk from a pasuk in this weeks parsha.

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