The Diaspora | Jewish Virtual Library
simmons | October 5, 2015
The Jewish state comes to an end in 70 AD, when the Romans begin to actively drive Jews from the home they had lived in for over a millennium.
simmons | October 5, 2015
The Jewish state comes to an end in 70 AD, when the Romans begin to actively drive Jews from the home they had lived in for over a millennium.
simmons | October 5, 2015
Africa And The Africans In The Age Of The Atlantic Slave Trade Author: Stearns, Peter N.;Adas, Michael;Schwartz, Stuart B.
simmons | October 5, 2015
Anne Frank the Writer: An Unfinished Story is a joint exhibition of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and The Netherlands Institute For War Documentation, in association with the Anne Frank-Fonds and with support from The Anne Frank House. It was made possible through the generous support of Eric and Lore Ross and Arthur and Toni Rock, with additional support from the Gonda Family Foundation and the Nathanson Family Foundation. The Museums exhibitions are also supported by the Lester Robbins and Sheila Johnson Robbins Traveling and Special Exhibition Fund, established in 1990
simmons | October 5, 2015
Pacific Press via Getty Images Tomorrow, the Palestinian flag will be raised for the first time at the United Nations headquarters in New York and at other U.N. offices around the world. The sense of pride among the Palestinian people was overwhelming the day the world voted in favor of this landmark initiative
simmons | October 5, 2015
Life Palestine does not perform too well on the Human Development Index where it comes in as no. 110 of the 182 states that are ranked in the world; yet in the MENA region comes in ahead of countries like Egypt and Morocco. On a scale with 1.000 as maximum, Palestine gains 0.737 points
simmons | October 5, 2015
The religion of the Jewish people (II Macc. ii.
simmons | October 5, 2015
Every school year Jews for Judaism receives numerous calls from concerned parents and professionals regarding the growing and alarming phenomenon of Jewish public school students being pursued by individuals and groups targeting them for conversion. By Rabbi Zalman Kravitz / September 8th, 2015 / Eastern US, International I have proudly attended Jewish/Israeli Festivals in Los Angeles for almost 30 years. What I witnessed this year was unprecedented.
simmons | October 5, 2015
Story highlights Only Israeli citizens, Old City residents, tourists, businesspeople working in the area and students studying there will be allowed to enter, police said in a statement Sunday. They said they're also preventing Muslim men under the age of 50 from attending prayers at the holy site in the Old City that Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call Haram al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary
richards | October 5, 2015
The name Ashkenaz was applied in the Middle Ages to Jews living along the Rhine River in northern France and western Germany.
richards | October 4, 2015
Seder Nezikin (Damages) Seder Zeraim (Seeds) Berachot Pe'ah Demai Kilayim Shevi'it Terumot Ma'asrote Ma'aser Sheni Hallah Orlah Bikkurim Seder Nashim (Women) Yevamot Ketubot Nedarim Kiddushin Seder Kodashim (Holies) Zevahim Menachot Hullin Bechorot Arachin Temurah Keritot Me'ilah Tamid Middot Kinnim Seder Tehorot (Purities) Keilim Oholot Nega'im Parah Tehorot Mikva'ot Niddah Machshirin Zavim Tevul Yom Yadayim Uktzim 1.Tenanof the original--We have learned in a Mishna;Tania--We have, learned in a Boraitha;Itemar--It was taught.