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Explore Israel at

| January 22, 2016

Jerry Seinfeild in Israel Jerry Seinfeld, of Seinfeld fame, is set to make his highly anticipated Israel debut with four stand-up performances. In Israels third-largest city, streets have been decorated with decorations and bright lights to proudly demonstrate a harmonious relationship between monolithic religions of the area. The walls of the Citadel serve as a stage for a nigh time show which is a celebration of sight and sound.

Holocaust –

| January 22, 2016

Special Note: This site is intended to be educational. Some of the images included in this Holocaust project may be disturbing, especially for younger learners. While we encourage children to learn, we hope that parents and teachers will be there to help explain events and guide young learners through the complexities behind what they may read and see

Holokaus – Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

| January 22, 2016

Holocaust (dari bahasa Yunani holkaustos: hlos, "seluruh" dan kausts, "terbakar"),[1] dikenal pula sebagai Shoah (bahasa Ibrani: , HaShoah, "bencana"; bahasa Yiddi: , Churben atau Hurban,[2] dari bahasa Ibrani "penghancuran"), adalah genosida terhadap kira-kira enam juta penganut Yahudi Eropa selama Perang Dunia II, suatu program pembunuhan sistematis yang didukung oleh negara Jerman Nazi, dipimpin oleh Adolf Hitler, dan berlangsung di seluruh wilayah yang dikuasai oleh Nazi.[3] Dari sembilan juta Yahudi yang tinggal di Eropa sebelum Holocaust, sekitar dua pertiganya tewas.[4] Secara khusus, lebih dari satu juta anak Yahudi tewas dalam Holocaust, serta kira-kira dua juta wanita Yahudi dan tiga juta pria Yahudi.[5][6] Beberapa pakar berpendapat bahwa definisi Holocaust harus meliputi pula genosida Nazi terhadap jutaan orang dalam kelompok lain selain Yahudi, di antaranya orang Rom, komunis, tawanan perang Soviet, warga Polandia dan Soviet, homoseksual, orang cacat, Saksi Yehuwa dan musuh politik dan keagamaan lainnya, yang menjadi korban terlepas apakah mereka berasal dari etnis Jerman atau bukan.[7] Ini adalah definisi yang paling umum digunakan sejak akhir Perang Dunia II hingga tahun 1960-an.[7] Jika menggunakan definisi ini, maka jumlah keseluruhan korban Holocaust adalah 11 hingga 17 juta jiwa.[8] Penyiksaan dan genosida dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap. Sejumlah hukum untuk menghapuskan keberadaan orang Yahudi dari masyarakat sipil, yang paling terkenal adalah Hukum Nuremberg, diberlakukan di Jerman Nazi bertahun-tahun sebelum dimulainya Perang Dunia II. Kamp konsentrasi didirikan yang di dalamnya para tahanan diharuskan melakukan kerja paksa hingga mereka mati akibat kelelahan atau penyakit

Syria Comment – Syrian politics, history, and religion

| January 22, 2016

by Aron Lund, editor of Syria in Crisis. I wrote a post for Syria Comment last year listing the top events of 2014 and what to look for in 2015. So heres another onea very long one, in fact.

A Gaza health official says 2 Palestinians were killed in …

| January 22, 2016

JERUSALEM A Palestinian broke into a West Bank settlement home and fatally stabbed an Israeli woman before fleeing Sunday, touching off a massive night manhunt, the Israeli military said. The attack occurred hours after another Palestinian was shot dead by soldiers after trying to attack them with a knife, it said. The latest incidents come amid a four-month wave of violence that Israel says is driven by Palestinian incitement and the Palestinians say is rooted in frustration at decades of living under Israeli occupation.

Danny Danon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| January 22, 2016

Danny Danon (Hebrew: , born 8 May 1971) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as Israel's envoy to the United Nations. He was previously a member of the Knesset for Likud, Minister of Science, Technology and Space and Deputy Minister of Defence. Danon was born in Ramat Gan to Joseph and Yoheved Danon.

Holocaust Revisionism | Carolyn Yeager

| January 22, 2016

Gerard Menuhin: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil A review by Fredrick Tben The book has no chapters but divides into four sections, which makes for challenging reading: Ito p 162: Thwarted: Humanitys Last Grasp For Freedom; IIto p 294: Identified: Illumination Or The Diagnostic Of Darkness; IIIto p 366: Extinguished: Civilization; IVto p 457: Final Stage: Communist Vassalage. Section I: Thwarted: Humanitys Last Grasp For Freedom The heading conveys a grave, almost certainly a pessimistic message, and so with pencil in hand I begin to read through the section and immediately notice how Menuhins autobiographical account of his awakening to the German problem begins at home in England between the expressed views of his mother and father on the gassing allegations.

Introduction to the Holocaust – United States Holocaust …

| January 22, 2016

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.

Anti-Defamation League | Anti-Semitism | Philadelphia

| January 22, 2016

Since its founding in 1913, the Anti-Defamation Leaguehas led the fight against Anti-Semitism around the world.

Gaza Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

| January 22, 2016

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. Gaza (em rabe: azzah, IPA:[azza]), tambm conhecida como Cidade de Gaza, uma cidade palestina localizada na Faixa de Gaza, com uma populao de cerca de 450.000 habitantes, o que a torna a maior cidade dos territrios palestinos

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