The Ashkenazim | Biblicism Institute
richards | March 26, 2016
C H U R C H R E F O R M S E R I E S By Biblicism Institute The chosen Hebrews were the ones God had the Old Covenant with (not converted Jews). Theyre all dead
richards | March 26, 2016
C H U R C H R E F O R M S E R I E S By Biblicism Institute The chosen Hebrews were the ones God had the Old Covenant with (not converted Jews). Theyre all dead
richards | March 26, 2016
Born in Kazakhstan, raised in Moscow, and educated in the United Kingdom since childhood, Ashkenazi is a highly motivated and successful entrepreneur whose business experience spans across a myriad of diversified industries from finance, oil and gas, to real estate, engineering and most recently high fashion. Currently the Chairwoman and Creative Director of the 100 year old fashion label Vionnet, Ashkenazi possesses a degree in Modern History and Economics from Oxford University, has taken fashion design courses at Moscow State University of Design and Technology, and has sat on the board of a number of multi-national companies with global business interests