Disabled Persons Protection Commission – Mass.Gov

| October 2, 2016

The Awareness and Action curriculum was developed by persons with disabilities in partnership with the Building Partnerships for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities Initiative (BPI). The curriculum, film and accompanying materials were created to educate persons with disabilities and others about the difficult subject matter of abuse committed against persons with disabilities. The Awareness & Action curriculum, taught by persons with disabilities and others, introduces the abuse of persons with disabilities through five powerful video vignettes, a PowerPoint slide presentation, group activities, skits and worksheets.

B’nai B’rith Camp | BB Breaks

| October 2, 2016

First Last Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: Price: $55.00 Quantity: $0.00 Each registration must be accompanied with full payment.

Worship | Temple B’nai B’rith

| October 2, 2016

Rabbi Roger Lerner Worship Rabbi Roger Lerner has been spiritual leader ofTemple Bnai Brith since July 2008, Rabbi Lerner has sought to exemplify not only some ofthe basic tenets of Reform Judaism, which includes a pluralistic and egalitarian approach to community, but also has heeded the prophetic call heralded on the front of our building; Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with thy God. Under Rabbi Lerners leadership and in concert with our vibrant Social Action Committee, we have taken this message to the heart of our congregation, expressing it in a varity of community-wide social action projects that truly make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in our small community. In September of 2010, Rabbi Lerner became President of the Wyoming Valley Interfaith Council and has been integral in having spear-headed panel discussions on hate and compassion with the hope of inspiring our community.

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