Old New Synagogue – Wikipedia
richards | January 3, 2017
The Old New Synagogue or Altneuschul (Czech: Staronov synagoga; German: Altneu-Synagoge) situated in Josefov, Prague, is Europe's oldest active synagogue.[1] It is also the oldest surviving medieval synagogue of twin-nave design.[2] Completed in 1270 in gothic style, it was one of Prague's first gothic buildings.[3] A still older Prague synagogue, known as the Old Synagogue, was demolished in 1867 and replaced by the Spanish Synagogue. The synagogue was originally called the New or Great Synagogue and later, when newer synagogues were built in the 16th century, it became known as the Old-New Synagogue.[2] Another explanation derives the name from the Hebrew (al tnay), which means "on condition" and sounds identical to the Yiddish "alt-nay," or old-new