admin | May 9, 2017
Jerusalem Post Israel News Lauder: Antisemitism and anti- Zionism are one in the same Jerusalem Post Israel News There's also something new, antisemitism that tries to hide itself and anti- Zionism . People who want to destroy the world's only Jewish state having failed to destroy Israel militarily and economically are now trying to destroy Israel politically ... The nation-state bill is crucial Israel Hayom World Jewish Congress President Ronald S.
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simmons | May 9, 2017
My rebbes are Rabbis Yehuda Amitaland Aharon Lichtenstein, of blessed memory, the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion, located in Gush Etzion, a cluster of Jewish settlements located in the Judaean Mountains of the West Bank. I studied Talmud from them over 40 years ago, but have since left the derech (path); I no longer keep the Torah and its commandments.
Category: Zionism |
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admin | May 9, 2017
The public is invited to the Bnai Brith Camps 7th Annual Spaghetti Dinner on May 18 with tours of the camp at 5 p.m. and dinner served at 6 p.m. This years dinner will be created by camp Chef, Becci Bazen and will include spaghetti and meatballs, salad, French bread, dessert and beverages
Category: B'nai B'rith |
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admin | May 9, 2017
Jewish American Heritage Month is a month to celebrate the contributions Jewish Americans have made to America since the arrival of the first Jewish immigrants in New Amsterdam in 1654. Every year since 1980, Congress and the President have acted together to declare an official observance to recognize the contributions of Jewish Americans to American society.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | May 9, 2017
Jerusalem Post Israel News Regina Spektor to return in August Jerusalem Post Israel News Spektor's connection to Israel and her Jewish roots remain strong and are often expressed publicly. In 2008, she performed on the National Mall in Washington DC, as part of celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Israel.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | May 9, 2017
SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER The ADL has made controversial claims recently about President Donald Trump, suggesting that his campaign and his administration bore responsibility for a claimed surge in antisemitism during and after the 2016 presidential election. Others have disputed the ADLs claims, noting that the ADL includes hoax bomb threats made by a Jewish teenager in its list of antisemitic incidents, and criticizing it for taking a partisan approach to the issue
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
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simmons | May 9, 2017
According to the recently-released Anti-Defamation League Annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, there was a 51 percent increase of incidents of anti-Semitism in Florida from 137 verified incidents in 2016 up from 91 the previous year. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), founded in 1913, defines itself as the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
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