admin | June 26, 2017
After decades of political brinkmanship and hand-wringing, countless tears and letters and protests and arrests, after multiple Israeli Supreme Court decisions and governmental committee commitments (not to mention thousands of Israeli leaders posturing at American Jewish fundraising events as supporters of Jewish pluralism), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today froze plans to dedicate a pluralistic prayer pavilion at the Western Wall. This is a betrayal of trust on every level, and there is no turning back. It is likely that many establishment well-intentioned American Jewish leaders will respond vocally to todays horrific decision (some already have), but will then sit, once again, at the table with Israels leaders, pretending (even to themselves) that they arent being skillfully used as a PR shield for Netanyahus craven betrayal of Jewish values in our very home, once again.
Category: Zionism |
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admin | June 26, 2017
An Israeli woman draped with a rainbow gay pride flag with the Star of David walks past Israeli border policemen during the annual Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade on July 21, 2016. AFP/Getty Images Three people carrying Jewish Pride flags were asked to leave the Chicago Dyke March on Saturday in part because they repeatedly expressed support for Zionism, according to the organizers
Category: Zionism |
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richards | June 26, 2017
Leon Resnick, 94, was born a year after the synagogue was built and had his bar mitzvah there. PROVIDENCE, R.I. The stark building is usually closed tight, but on Sunday balloonsdanced on their strings, music poured from open doors and families came and went,although one family's departure was delayed by the difficulty of getting two childrenout of a tree
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Open house at Smith Hill synagogue draws hundreds – The Providence Journal
richards | June 26, 2017
Its a quiet morning on a hillside in the ancient village of Ein Kerem, perfect for enjoying a breakfast of home-made goats milk cheese and freshly baked bread. This is the home of Efrat Giat, a shepherdess turned tour guide who lives in the house her husband was born in, tending to goats and their five children, not necessarily in that order.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
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richards | June 26, 2017
More than 2,100 people have signed a petition to keep conspiracy theorist and alleged Holocaust denier Kevin Barret from speaking at a rally in Toronto. Jewish advocacy group Bnai Brith launched the petition after Barrett was invited to speak at the al-Quds march that will start at Queens Park on Saturday. Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of Bnai Brith Canada called the event an absolute hate fest.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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admin | June 26, 2017
Amaya Gaming is the owner behind the PokerStars brand and several other online gaming businesses. Within the past year, the company has faced hard times and as a result, is seeking to evolve by relocating to a new area and changing their name. Currently based in Montreal, Amaya has plans to move to Toronto and take on the new name The Stars Group Inc
Category: Ashkenazi |
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simmons | June 26, 2017
'The People of the Book have become the People of Commerce,' Tel Aviv's retiring Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau tells Israeli newspaper Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau told an Israeli newspaper over the weekend that Jews have become greedy and that Americanization is driving secular Israelis away from religion.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Former Israel Chief Rabbi Reproaches ‘Greedy’ Jews for Breaking the Sabbath – Haaretz
richards | June 26, 2017
The Anti-Defamation League, the nation's most prominent advocate against anti-Semitism, said it was 'deeply troubled' by rallies staged near in Washington D.C., Sunday by so-called "alt-right" groups. The ADL argued the events were helping to bring white supremacist beliefs into the mainstream. "White supremacy and hate, and those who exist in that orbit, need to be rejected
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
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