simmons | June 30, 2017
BERLIN The Austrian Constitutional Court said Friday that the government had acted legally when it seized the apartment complex in which Hitler was born, the latest and most likely last chapter in the long battle for ownership of the Nazi dictators birthplace. The court said in a statement that a law passed late last year allowing the expropriation of the three-story building was in the public interest, commensurate and not without compensation, and therefore not unconstitutional. Advertisement Austrian law prohibits the promotion of Nazi ideology, including Holocaust denial or the display of swastikas
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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simmons | June 30, 2017
The Hasidic movement started in the 1700's (CE) in Eastern Europe in response to a void felt by many average observant Jews of the day. The founder of Hasidism, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (referred to as the "Besht," an acronym of his name) was a great scholar and mystic, devoted to both the revealed, outer aspect, and hidden, inner aspect of Torah
Category: Hasidic |
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richards | June 30, 2017
European Jewish food developed along with the migration of the European Jewish community -- from West to East.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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richards | June 30, 2017
The Israeli authorities last week confiscated two tractors, a hydraulic excavator and other equipment used by Palestinians to carry out illegal quarrying that has been damaging a rare nature reserve in the Judean Desert. If major American newspapers reported the story, the headline would probably read: Israel Confiscates Palestinians Tractors. I say if, because theres really not much chance The New York Times or Washington Post would ever cover a story that reflects badly on the Palestinian cause
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | June 30, 2017
Greenblatt is CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League. Last weekend, organizers of a gay pride parade in Chicago ejected three people carrying pride flags emblazoned with a Jewish Star of David. Subsequent bizarre statements attempting to rationalize their action, claiming that Zionism is an inherently white supremacist ideology only exacerbated the sense that the organizers were deaf to the concerns of the Jewish community and engaged in anti-Semitism denying Jews the same rights that were extended to other participants, basically to celebrate their identities as Jewish queer women
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
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