The State of Israel, Zionism and the Jewish Worldwide Diaspora – Center for Research on Globalization

| July 9, 2017

Bearing in mind that the majority of the Jewish Diaspora is not Zionist only less than half reside in Israel, the majority being permanently resident in the US, and Europe plus the documented fact that the overwhelmingproportion of Zionists are not even Jewish but are Evangelical Christians who number something in the region of 50 million it is reasonably clear that the Jewish majority who currently live and work in the Diaspora, not only have no desire to move to one of the worlds most dangerous, geo-political trouble spots, but would dismiss the idea of the State of Israel being a safe haven for anyone, whether Jew or Gentile. So, what are the facts

Devdutt Pattanaik: The fascinating design of the Jewish Bible – Mid-Day

| July 9, 2017

Illustration/Devdutt Pattanaik Many Jewish Americans choose to write G-d instead of God.

Rabbi Steinsaltz Back in Tekoa Yeshiva following Stroke – The Jewish Press –

| July 9, 2017

Photo Credit: Courtesy Eight months after he suffered a stroke, scholar, teacher, philosopher, social critic, and spiritual mentor Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael Steinsaltz arrived in Tekoa last Thursday to celebrate the sium (completion of learning) of Maimonidesmonumental halachic work Mishneh Torah. Rabbi Steinsaltz had a big smile on his face, and walked without assistance, Srugim reported.

Prominent Orthodox Rabbis From US Among Those on Israeli Chief Rabbinate’s Blacklist – Haaretz

| July 9, 2017

The rabbis, whose rulings on 'who is a Jew' the Rabbinate doesn't recognize, include Nefesh b'Nefesh's director Israel's Ashkenazi chief rabbi shocked that list was published without his approval Israels Chief Rabbinate has published a blacklist of 160 rabbis from around the world, including many Orthodox rabbis, whose rulings on the question of "who is a Jew?" it does not recognize. Among the prominent names in the new blacklist are Rabbi Avi Weiss, an Open Orthodox rabbi and the founder of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York, and Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, the co-founder and executive director of Nefesh bNefesh, the organization that handles all immigration to Israel from North America.

The post-Haredism era is underway – Ynetnews

| July 9, 2017

The revolution is already taking place. Heads are rolling, identities are being replaced, clothes are changing

FBI: Stolen Kosher bakery van used in Miami bank heist – The Jerusalem Post mobile website

| July 9, 2017

Police tape.. (photo credit:REUTERS) Zak Stern was just trying to distribute his regular deliveries of bread this past Thursday in Miami. But a bank robber stole one of the kosher restaurateurs Zak the Baker vans while the bread was still inside and used it in a holdup at a local bank that day

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