richards | July 14, 2017
Israel Hayom 'The main reason for French aliyah is Zionism , and that is fine' Israel Hayom French Ambassador to Israel Helene Le Gal says she supports French Jews who "want to come to Israel for Zionist values" She says France and Israel share common values and stresses that despite terrorism, France is still a preferred tourism destination. UN Resolution Anti- Zionism = Anti-Semitism Intermountain Jewish News Thomas L. Friedman: A double blow to Israel Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Inclusion and the Jewish group that demonizes Jews Rutland Herald - Heritage Florida Jewish News - The Jewish Press - all 65 news articles »
Category: Zionism |
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simmons | July 14, 2017
One day before the outbreak of the first world war, a precocious boy called Gerhard Scholem burst into a room at home and began the rite of symbolically castrating his father. Papa, I think I want to be a Jew, he exclaimed. He was planning to learn Hebrew, study the Bible and become a Zionist
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Stranger in a Strange Land by George Prochnik review Gershom Scholem and Zionism – The Guardian
simmons | July 14, 2017
Jewish Chronicle Synagogue membership? There are reasons to be hopeful Jewish Chronicle Following last week's JPR report, it is important to spell out what this data means for the United Synagogue . Although the study did not supply specific data for the US, we recognise that as by far the largest synagogue movement of any denomination, we ..
Category: Synagogue |
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admin | July 14, 2017
AFP/Getty Images A Palestinian boy cooling off during a heat wave at the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, July 2, 2017.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on How Gaza’s electricity crisis could spell trouble for Israel – Heritage Florida Jewish News
simmons | July 14, 2017
NEW YORK (JTA) Several times a month Jeanette Chawki welcomes a handful of strangers into her Brooklyn home.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on How a Korean-Jewish entrepreneur uses food to empower immigrants – Jewish Post
admin | July 14, 2017
The left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center has come under fire for its labeling of a Christian nonprofit organization -- dedicated to defending "religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and family" -- as a hate group.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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simmons | July 14, 2017
In the latest sign of the growing rift between the Saudi-led Gulf states and Qatar, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates blasted Qatars Al-Jazeera network on Wednesday for promoting anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Anwar Gargash, the UAEs minister for foreign affairs, charged that Al-Jazeera promoted anti-Semitic violence by broadcasting sermons by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi,Agence France-Presse reported
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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simmons | July 14, 2017
An ultra-Orthodox girls elementary school in London may be forced to close after failing to meet government standards because it does not teach about homosexuality and transgender issues.
Category: Hasidic |
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simmons | July 14, 2017
Norman, directed by Joseph Cedar (R, 1 hour, 58 minutes) Norman Oppenheimer is a guy who claims to have more inside information than you figure he can, who only wants a minute of your time to pitch you on a deal that could work out for everyone. He's a name dropper who tends to exaggerate his importance. Maybe you've listened politely to Norman, maybe you've brushed him off
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Home Movies – Arkansas Online
richards | July 14, 2017
Lexington Herald Leader Counseling can help you decide whether to get genetic testing Lexington Herald Leader ... type of cancer, the age at diagnosis, multiple cancers in the same patient, clustering of breast, gastrointestinal and gynecologic malignancy in close relatives, or certain cancers arising in patient of Ashkenazi (central or eastern European ...
Category: Ashkenazi |
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