richards | July 26, 2017
Rabat Sephardic musics unique, age-old sound is coming to the United states in a rare showcase. New Yorks Sephardic Music Festival will take place from August 24 28, featuring world-renowned artists in the ancient music genre. The ancient music of the Sephardi Jews, who originated from medieval Spain and Portugal, is gaining prominence with music-lovers across the world as evidenced by Sephardic music festivals around the world.
Category: Sephardic |
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simmons | July 26, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn watches the annual Durham Miners Gala from a hotel balcony on July 8.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Anti-Semitism Claims Hound Party Led by Darling of U.K. Left – 41 NBC News
simmons | July 26, 2017
Maverick Likud MK Benny Begin slammed the coalition on Wednesday for supporting his fellow party member Avi Dichters Jewish nation-state bill, while lamenting the proposed legislations disregard for Israels non-Jewish minorities.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Begin breaks ranks to oppose Jewish nation-state bill | The Times of … – The Times of Israel
admin | July 26, 2017
Participants enjoy a prior rafting weekend sponsored by Young Jewish Leadership Concepts. | Photo provided When Lou Balcher began running the Young Jewish Leadership Concepts (YJLC) Pocono Rafting Weekend down the Lehigh River 30 years ago, nobody had cellphones and internet use was limited to a few scientists
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on At 30, YJLC Rafting Weekend Now Competing with Technology – Jewish Exponent
richards | July 26, 2017
Dreams of becoming a movie star are probably few and far between among Hasidim. Many Hasidic communities tend to be distrustful of the secular and going to the movies or watching television is often forbidden or, at least, heavily discouraged. Thats why Menashe Lustig, a Hasidic performer who hails from New Square, New York, is making waves across film festival circuits as the star and namesake of Menashe
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on Film Featuring All-Hasidic Cast Receives Rave Reviews At Sundance – Forward
simmons | July 26, 2017
MOVIES HOME MOVIES Menashe Movie Review Published on July 25, 2017 Photo from the film Menashe. MENASHE Director: Joshua Z.
Category: Hasidic |
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richards | July 26, 2017
In Menashe, which debuts nationally July 28, director Joshua Weinstein has delicately crafted a work that emanates a rarely seen authenticity, tenderness and depth sadly lacking in other mainstream films about Hasidic Jews and their communities. A Hasidic father named Menashe, who works long hours in a small grocery store in Brooklyn, struggling to make ends meet, has lost his young wife Lea to illness.
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on ‘Menashe’ presents a rare authentic on-screen depiction of Hasidic Judaism – Cleveland Jewish News
admin | July 26, 2017
Opposing Views Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Aide Is Arrested (Photos) Opposing Views Wasserman Schultz introduced a resolution, which passed the House of Representatives and called on the President to declare an annual Jewish American Heritage Month ," notes her webpage on the congressional website.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Aide Is Arrested (Photos) – Opposing Views
richards | July 26, 2017
NEW YORK Families that receive free Jewish children's books from the Massachusetts-based PJ Library say the program has helped them feel more connected to their Jewish communities, with interfaith families especially saying it has spurred them to celebrate Jewish holidays and Shabbat and to learn more about Judaism, a new study found.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on PJ Library’s free books for kids spur Jewish connections, study finds – St. Louis Jewish Light
richards | July 26, 2017
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt speaking at the organizations Never is Now conference in New York City, Nov. 17, 2016
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on ADL condemns sermons by California imams that called for destruction of Jews – Jewish Telegraphic Agency