Texting While Driving May Have Saved My Life – HuffPost
richards | July 27, 2017
This is an embarressing story, but it needs to be told. I was recently stopped at a red light, first in line.
richards | July 27, 2017
This is an embarressing story, but it needs to be told. I was recently stopped at a red light, first in line.
admin | July 27, 2017
Egyptian Jews By Jacob Wirtschafter | 25 mins ago The 700-seat Italianate synagogue is one of four buildings on a compact city block that once comprised the Jewish community living in Alexandrias historic center, including a three-story school, a community center and two residential buildings. RNS photo by Jacob Wirtschafter ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (RNS) A $2 million restoration of Egypts largest synagogue is the start of a government effort to keep alive the legacy of the Jewish community, whose members have largely left for Israel, France and elsewhere since the middle of the last century.
simmons | July 27, 2017
Jewish Chronicle Don't forget our heroes Jewish Chronicle Sephardic history is not properly taught in Jewish schools. It is given little respect in our yeshivas. Even in Israel, when designs for new banknotes were proposed in 2013, they omitted any Sephardic heroes even though Jews whose roots lie in North ..
richards | July 27, 2017
The opening shiur will be Preparing for Tisha BAv in 2017. This program will be broadcast live on http://www.yutorah.org.
simmons | July 27, 2017
Email a copy of "Menashe Presents a Rare Authentic, On-Screen Depiction of Hasidic Judaism" to a friend By Jane Hanser/JNS.org Hasidic father Menashe and his son Rieven in the film Menashe. Photo: Federica Valabrega. JNS.org In the filmMenashe, which debuts across America onJuly 28, director Joshua Weinstein has delicately crafted a work that emanates a rarely seen authenticity, tenderness and depth sadly lacking in other mainstream films about Hasidic Jews and their communities.
admin | July 27, 2017
Before making the film Menashe, documentarian Joshua Weinstein donned a yarmulke and explored Brooklyns Borough Park, getting to know the stories and personalities of New Yorks Hasidic Jews. That was the easy part of the process. It was trickier when Weinstein returned to the neighborhood with a camera crew to work with the locals hed hired for his cast.
admin | July 27, 2017
An explanation of the Orthodox Jewish custom of an eruv. Wochit An Eruv remains on a utility pole on West Saddle River Road at Applewood Drive in Upper Saddle River on Wednesday afternoon after the noon deadline passed to have it removed.(Photo: Tariq Zehawi/NorthJersey.com) Amid an increasingly ugly battle that has prompted accusations of anti-Semitism, an Orthodox Jewish group seeking to expand a religious boundary into northwest Bergen Countyhas hired a Manhattan law firm to defend itself against threatened legal action
simmons | July 27, 2017
An important lesson for Tisha bAv may be gleaned from Hacham Ovadia Yosefs approach to the issue of chalak, or glatt kosher meat. On the one hand, Hacham Ovadia was insistent that Sephardic Jews should make every effort to purchase meat that is chalak or glatt by Sephardic standards (Teshuvot Yabia Omer 5: Yoreh Deah 3 and Teshuvot Yechave Daat 3:56). Hacham Ovadias grandson Yaakov Sasson does an excellent job explaining the issue in the Halacha Yomit of May 11, 2015.
richards | July 27, 2017
(JTA) Andrew GoodmanandMichael Schwernerare about the closest American Jews have to secular saints. The two Jewish civil rights workers traveled south for the Freedom Summer campaign of 1964, joining the African-American activist James Chaney in canvassing black churches. All three were kidnapped and murdered by a lynch mob
richards | July 27, 2017
Email a copy of "Reflecting on Two Years of Leading the Anti-Defamation League" to a friend Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. Photo: ADL. Two years agofull of optimism and energy as I joined ADL as its new CEOI asked the question: Can a 100-Year-Old Change the Future?But it was a rhetorical question, because I believed that I knew the answer