Many Sephardic Jews Arent Actually Sephardic The Forward

| November 27, 2017

During my childhood in the 1960s and 70s in the USSR, the only books published about Jews were ideological works that criticized Zionism, Israel and what the Soviets considered the national Jewish mentality. As you might imagine, thanks to these books, many of us had a totally distorted picture of our true origins as Jews

Havurot Congregation B’nai B’rith

| November 27, 2017

What is a Havurah? Havurah (plural:havurot) comes from the Hebrew word haver, whichmeansfriend or fellowship

Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion | IHRA

| November 27, 2017

IHRAs 31 member countries adopted the Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion at IHRAs Plenary meeting in Toronto on 10 October 2013. The Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion was developed by IHRA experts in the Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial in cooperation with IHRAs governmental representatives for use as a working tool

What Is Zionism? – YouTube

| November 27, 2017

Subscribe! Long before the creation of the state of Israel, the World Zionist Congress functioned as the Jewish government. Now it is on its 37th meeting. So what is the Zionism and how does it influence Israeli politics?

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