Part Asian-American, All Jewish? : Code Switch : NPR
richards | November 21, 2017
Sociologists Helen Kim and Noah Leavitt look on during their son Ari's bris.
richards | November 21, 2017
Sociologists Helen Kim and Noah Leavitt look on during their son Ari's bris.
simmons | November 19, 2017
Holocaust denial is the belief that the Holocaust did not occur as it is described by mainstream historiography. Key elements of this belief are the explicit or implicit rejection that, in the Holocaust: In addition, most Holocaust denial implies, or openly states, that the current mainstream understanding of the Holocaust is the result of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy created to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other nations. Most historians and scholars reject Holocaust denial as "grounded in hatred, rather than any accepted standards of assertion, evidence, and truth" and a "pseudoscience" that "rejects the entire foundation of historical evidence," instead motivated by an anti-Semitic ideology.
richards | November 12, 2017
A German woman dubbed the Nazi grandma was sentenced to 10 months in jail for Holocaust denial.
simmons | November 10, 2017
The Anti-Defamation League says Larry Davids Saturday Night Live monologue in which the Curb Your Enthusiasm creator pondered his dating options in a concentration camp was offensive, insensitive & unfunny all at same time.
admin | November 7, 2017
Eitz-Chaim is a congregation committed to prayer, discipleship, and service. If you have a need or aprayer request, let us hear from you.
richards | November 3, 2017
Articles OnAshkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel (AJGP) Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel (AJGP) Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel (AJGP) An Ashkenazi Jewish genetic panel (AJGP) is a blood test that checks to see if a person is a carrier of a genetic disease that occurs more often in people of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage.
richards | November 2, 2017
About Us2017-05-19T15:17:05+00:00 Welcome to Congregation Bnai Brith! We are the oldest and largest synagogue in Santa Barbara, a congregation rich with memories and tradition, constantly seeking new ways of engaging every one of our members in the ancient and marvelous Jewish way of life.