Hasidic Judaism: Debunking the myths | Around the world in …

| February 12, 2018

They are easily distinguishable with their conservative clothing, curls, and large families.

Healthy Sephardic Cooking | Kosher, Traditional, Easy, and …

| February 12, 2018

Jackie: Where did your interest in Jewish community start? Jackie N: Ive always been lucky to live in places with a strong Jewish community. I attended Jewish day school, went to aCuban-Jewish Sephardic synagogue (yes they do exist!),and grew up in a very traditional home.

Kevin Myers Holocaust denial article The Proud Zionist

| February 12, 2018

As the Belfast Telegraph has now withdrawn Kevin Myers 2009 article in which he claimed to be a Holocaust denier, I have preserved it for posterity below so others can read, and perhaps judge whether he is actually denying the Holocaust. For the record, it is clear to me he isnt a Holocaust denier, but the points he makes are so banal and without merit that they just seem to add fuel to the fire, that came to a head this weekend. He *appears* to be nitpicking over the convenience of the number 6,000,000.

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