GoSephardic: Bringing Sephardic Communities Together on a …
admin | February 23, 2018
Sephardic Jewry is a culture that spans across the globe in many different areas.
admin | February 23, 2018
Sephardic Jewry is a culture that spans across the globe in many different areas.
richards | February 23, 2018
The Jews of Cceres must have been in absolutely terrific shape. That was my thought upon scaling the vertiginous steps that lead from the Plaza Mayor in that Spanish city to the medieval Jewish quarter.
richards | February 23, 2018
Two concerts, a cooking demonstration and a scholar in residence highlight the upcoming Sephardic Festival taking place from March 4-17 at B'nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton . Also in early March will be two Jewish-themed plays being performed in South Florida
admin | February 23, 2018
Fish With Sephardic Tomato & Rhubarb Sauce Serves 6 With rhubarb just hitting the markets, this dish is perfect for the Passover table. According to The New Mediterranean Jewish Table, by Joyce Goldstein, the dish can be traced back to Sephardic homes in Greece and Turkey. The sauce has sweet-and-sour notes to brighten the fish, and Goldstein suggests serving it with spinach and potatoes
simmons | February 23, 2018
By Sarina Roff People often ask me to define the term Sephardic Jew. The answer is complicated. No, it does not mean from Spain, although that is the commonly understood definition.