richards | February 7, 2018
On a sunny afternoon during my first visit to Barcelona, I stood at the top of Mount Tibidabo. I looked down at the coastline and understood the longing Sephardim took with them on their exile in 1492. Our Talalay family always heard that This was our name in Spain, and that we were Sephardic in originno matter how long wed lived in Eastern Europe, specifically in Mogilev, Belarus
Category: Sephardic |
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admin | February 7, 2018
Research by the Center for Near East Policy Research Center has found that the doctoral dissertation of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stars throughout the Palestinian Authority educational curriculum, and is the basis for Holocaust studies in the PA. The Centers Director, David Bedein, has asked Education Minister Gideon Saar and the government of Israel to demand that the PA remove the work from its schools and from its curricula. Bedein wrote that the Center is engaged in preparing a movie on the PA educational system, in the course of which it tracks that which is taught in PA classrooms.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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richards | February 7, 2018
UN General AssemblyResolution 3379Date10 November 1975Meetingno.2400CodeA/RES/3379(Document)SubjectElimination of all forms of racial discrimination Voting summary United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". The vote took place approximately one year after UNGA 3237 granted the PLO "observer status", following PLO president Yasser Arafat's "olive branch" speech to the General Assembly in November 1974. The resolution was passed with the support of the Soviet bloc and other then Soviet-aligned nations, in addition to the Arab and Muslim majority countries
Category: Zionism |
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admin | February 7, 2018
The Mishnah or Mishna (; Hebrew: , "study by repetition", from the verb shanah , or "to study and review", also "secondary")[1] is the first major written redaction of the Jewish oral traditions known as the "Oral Torah". It is also the first major work of Rabbinic literature.[2][3] The Mishnah was redacted by Judah the Prince at the beginning of the third century CE[4] in a time when, according to the Talmud, the persecution of the Jews and the passage of time raised the possibility that the details of the oral traditions of the Pharisees from the Second Temple period (536 BCE 70 CE) would be forgotten. Most of the Mishnah is written in Mishnaic Hebrew, while some parts are Aramaic
Category: Talmud |
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admin | February 7, 2018
Talmudic Judaism's hatred for Christianity THE TALMUD AND BIBLE BELIEVERS They are all "idolators," "heathen," "goy." They rank not only as animals like the rest of the non-Jewish human race, but as the lowest and most despised form of life.
Category: Talmud |
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admin | February 7, 2018
February 14, 2017 Fifteen months ago, I was given the honor of becoming chair of The Jewish Federations of North America. This position has given me the opportunity to listen to and learn from leaders throughout the Jewish world, and to see the Jewish community from a broader and more informed perspective.
Category: Talmud |
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richards | February 7, 2018
ByMarcus Mordecai Schwartz, Director, Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker Beit Midrash; Assistant Professor, Talmud and Rabbinics Posted On February 02, 2018 | Speaking of Text: The Jewish Bookshelf | Interreligious Jews, Gentiles, and Other Animals: The Talmud After the Humanities by Mira Beth Wasserman (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017) The most controversial tractate of the Talmud is undoubtedly Avodah Zarah, which discusses non-Jews and their religious practices. Most of the Talmudic passages in Justinas Bonaventura Pranaitiss 1898 anti-Talmudic screed, Christianus in Talmud Iudaeorum (The Christian in the Talmud of the Jews) are drawn from this tractate. A surface reading of Avodah Zarah can be a demoralizing experience for modern Jews.
Category: Talmud |
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simmons | February 3, 2018
Get ready for a dynamic performance by our favorite local musician, educator, and storyteller of American roots music and culture, Lil Rev! He will be performing a one hour set of original and cover songs featuring the theme of social justice including songs from his Jews n the Blues set and more! Lil Rev is a world-class entertainer and steward of vintage song and lore. Performing with ukulele, harmonica, mandolin, guitar and banjo, Rev has an unmatched repertoire of both traditional and original song, poetry, storytelling and humor
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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admin | February 2, 2018
Photo: Mark Mulligan, Staff Photographer Hundreds of holy books from the United Orthodox Synagogues were removed from the flooded building. Hundreds of holy books from the United Orthodox Synagogues were removed from the flooded building
Category: Synagogue |
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