admin | April 6, 2019
A synagogue is a place where Jews meet to worship and pray to God. In Hebrew, a synagogue is called beit knesset, which means, a "house of gathering". The word "synagogue" comes from sunagoge, which is a Greek word.
Category: Synagogue |
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admin | April 6, 2019
Vandals spray painted a pair of Nazi flags and iron crosses on the property of Congregation Shaarey Tefilla in Carmel, Ind., in late July 2018. U.S
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
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admin | April 6, 2019
The first Hasidic sect established in Lithuania, and one of the major protagonists in the historic feud between the Hasidim and their rabbinic opponents, the Misnagdim. The founder of the Karlin-Stolin dynasty was Aharon ben Yaakov (17361772), known by generations of his followers as Aharon ha-Gadol (Aaron the Great).
Category: Hasidic |
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