admin | April 27, 2019
The burgeoning hate aimed at Jewish immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century was the driving force behind the 1913 formation of the Anti-Defamation League. According to its original charteras laid out by its sponsoring organization, Bnai Brith, the largest Jewish communal group in the United Statesthe ADLs immediate object was to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people
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admin | April 27, 2019
Zionism is many things to many people. At its base, Zionism is the belief in the necessity for a Jewish homeland or state. As an actual movement, Zionism started in the early 20th century
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admin | April 27, 2019
It is disturbing to read (Shadow justice secretary admits to anti-Zionist speech, 17 April) that a prominent Labour MP, Richard Burgon, has felt it necessary to apologise for having said The enemy of the Palestinian people is not the Jewish people. The enemy of the Palestinian people are Zionists, and Zionism is the enemy of peace and the enemy of the Palestinian people.
Category: Zionism |
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admin | April 27, 2019
Last night, at a CNN town hall, Bernie Sanders put to rest the idea that the 2020 Democratic primaries are going to be about Israel. I am 100% pro Israel, he said
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admin | April 27, 2019
(Ukr., Chernobyl; later, Twersky Hasidic Dynasty), one of the leading Hasidic communities in nineteenth-century Ukraine. The Chernobil dynasty was founded by Rabbi Menaem Naum of Chernobil (1730?1797), a student of Yisrael Baal Shem Tov and Dov Ber, the Magid of Mezritsh. In addition to serving as the magid (preacher) of Chernobil, Reb Naum apparently traveled around Ukraine, mediating, advising, and spreading his teachings.
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