Hasidic Rabbi Hillel HandlerMeasles Vaccine Antagonist The …
admin | May 20, 2019
On Monday night in Monsey, the Atrium was packed with ultra-Orthodox Jews. The ballroom of the massive catering hall usually hosts lively Hasidic weddings.
admin | May 20, 2019
On Monday night in Monsey, the Atrium was packed with ultra-Orthodox Jews. The ballroom of the massive catering hall usually hosts lively Hasidic weddings.
admin | May 20, 2019
Sifting through the crop tops and sheer blouses for sale at Junee, a boutique in Borough Park, Brooklyn, is an unexpected clientele: some of New York Citys most modest women. Filled with bright colors and the latest fashions, the store specializes in outfitting Hasidic women, who follow a deeply conservative sartorial doctrine that, among other things, requires their elbows, collarbones and knees to always be covered, and if married, their hair to be hidden under a scarf or wig. Junee and other stores like it have seen their sales rise in recent years because of a flood of new products designed to make modesty and fashion compatible.
admin | May 20, 2019
[What you need to know to start the day: Get New York Today in your inbox.] As Corey Johnson, the speaker of the New York City Council, urged his colleagues on Wednesday to ban the sale of fur in the city, he argued that it was the moral thing to do. But the proposed ban, backed by animal rights advocates, has met an unexpected challenge from a diverse set of opponents, including black pastors and Hasidic leaders. They say a prohibition would fly in the face of centuries of religious and cultural tradition.
admin | May 20, 2019
[ buh-ney brith ]SHOW IPA / bne br /PHONETIC RESPELLING WORD ORIGIN an international Jewish organization, founded in New York City in 1843, which institutes and administers programs designed to promote the social, educational, and cultural betterment of Jews and of the public at large. From the Hebrew word bn brth sons of the covenant Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2019 B'nai B'rith / (bne bri, br) / a Jewish fraternal organization founded in New York in 1843, having moral, philanthropic, social, educational, and political aims from Hebrew ben brth sons of the covenant Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition William Collins Sons & Co.