admin | May 21, 2019
As we observe Jewish American Heritage Month, our Nation celebrates nearly 4,000 years of Jewish history and honors the numerous contributions of Jewish Americans to our country and the world. Rabbi Akiva, a great Jewish scholar, declared that a central principle of the Torah is to love thy neighbor as thyself. Jewish Americans have repeatedly demonstrated their dedication to this commandment, helping the downtrodden and pursue justice, sanctifying the name of God, and embodying the best of America.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
admin | May 21, 2019
The denial of the Holocaust and genocide take many forms, from simply ignoring obvious facts by manipulating the sources, through minimizing the dimensions of genocide, to trivializing and rationalizing genocide by analogy and claiming that it is an acceptable example of the kinds of things that happen in wartime. The deniers of the Holocaust and genocide attack three facts in particular: According to Professor Yisrael Gutman of the Yad Vashem Memorial Institute in Israel, the use of the term Polish concentration camps is a form of Holocaust denial.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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admin | May 21, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg defended the presence of Holocaust deniers on Facebook this week despite widespread criticism, arguing that the company's algorithm will punish misinformation to restrict its circulation on the social network rather than deleting it outright. But Facebook has still been prominently showcasing groups that promote Holocaust denial at the top of its search results, Business Insider has found. If a user searches for "Holocaust" on Facebook, some of the top results are for user-created groups that falsely claim the Nazi murder of millions of Jews was fabricated
Category: Holocaust Denial |
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