Okay Hand Gesture | Anti-Defamation League

| October 11, 2019

Note: For reasons explained below, particular caution must be used when evaluating this symbol. The okay hand gesturein which the thumb and index finger touch while the other fingers of the hand are held outstretchedis an obvious and ancient gesture that has arisen in many cultures over the years with different meanings.

DIRTY MONEY: PewDiePie Gives $50,000 Donation to the Anti …

| October 11, 2019

Video blogger Felix PewDiePie Kjellberg recently celebrated reaching 100 million subscribers on YouTube by releasing a video in which he announced a $50,000 donation to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL is one of the leading advocates of extreme censorship on Big Tech platforms.

Aftermath of the Holocaust – Wikipedia

| October 11, 2019

The Holocaust had a deep effect on society both in Europe and the rest of the world, and today its consequences are still being felt both by children and adults whose ancestors were victims of this genocide. German society largely responded to the enormity of the evidence for and the horror of the Holocaust with an attitude of self-justification and a practice of keeping quiet. Germans attempted to rewrite their own history to make it more palatable in the post-war era.[1] For decades, West Germany and then unified Germany refused to allow access to its Holocaust-related archives in Bad Arolsen, citing privacy concerns.

Hasidic Vs Orthodox: Whats The Difference? | The Hasidic …

| October 11, 2019

Hasidic Vs Orthodox.

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