admin | December 17, 2019
Images of Torah scrolls yanked open, ripped apart, and strewn across the sanctuary at Nessah Synagogue in Beverly Hills last Shabbat has left a knot in the collective gut of the Los Angeles Jewish community and American Jewry more broadly, which is still reeling from a murderous attack at a Jersey City kosher market last week, and massacres at synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway. The desecration of Judaisms most holy objects seems like it automatically deserves to be designated as a hate crime, and this incident is being investigated that way, for possible anti-Semitic motive, according to Lt.
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Comments Off on Torah Scrolls Were Desecrated In L.A., But It Might Not Be A Hate Crime – Forward
admin | December 17, 2019
Yesterday my Iranian Jewish community here in Southern California was shocked to discover that one of our beloved houses of worship, the Nessah Synagogue in Beverly Hills was vandalized in an anti-Semitic attack. From social media photos released by synagogue members who entered the building after the attack, we saw Torah scrolls torn and thrown on the floor, prayer books that were damaged, shattered pieces of glass, prayer shawls thrown on the floor and furniture that was overturned.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on We survived Khomeini, we’ll survive this attack on Nessah – The Times of Israel
admin | December 17, 2019
I grew up in a Conservative synagogue in Maryland. I went to preschool there.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on A Jew in America | Barbara Schiffer – The Times of Israel
admin | December 17, 2019
There is anti-Semitism in America and there always has been. It has been present since the first Jews arrived in the New World in the 16th century and started to settle there in the 18th and through the mass waves of Jewish immigration to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on American Jewry is here to stay – Ynetnews
admin | December 17, 2019
Before the rain there were the fires.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Noah adapted to climate catastrophe; now it’s our turn – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | December 17, 2019
Advertisement Beverly Hills police investigate the Nessah synagogue on Saturday morning after the employee arrived at the worship site at 7:00 am to reveal open doors, flipped furniture, and damaged several monuments. Police investigate the incident as a hate crime, but says there is no evidence to suggest that the attack was anti-Semitic. The synagogues main scrolls were locked and undamaged.
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Comments Off on Beverly Hills police investigate vandalism at the Nessah Synagogue as a hate crime – gotech daily
admin | December 17, 2019
On January 4, the seven-and-a-half-year cycle of Talmud study known as Daf Yomi in which a double sided folio page of Talmud is studied every day will be completed, and huge next-day celebrations will be held in Israel and around the world.This year for the first time, a large-scale, global celebration for some 3,000 women (and some men) from around the world will be held in Jerusalem to celebrate their completion of the daily Talmud study cycle.The massive Siyum Hashas event, as the Daf Yomi end-of-cycle event is known, planned for January 5 in Jerusalems International Convention Center, is designed to inspire those who attend to look toward the future cycle, to go on to more religious study opportunities and to feel like they are part of a bigger movement.The event will boast a wealth of the leading female Talmud experts and educators, and will host women and school girls from around the world including the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, who are flying in to Israel to take part in the celebrations.Although Talmud study was for many years largely restricted to men, over the last few decades the number of educational frameworks providing Talmud study to women, whether in high school, seminaries or beyond, has grown significantly.Despite this, regular and convenient access to Talmud study for women outside of such frameworks had not been particularly available, especially compared to the wealth of Talmud study programs of all kinds for men.It was this vacuum that Michelle Cohen Farber sought to fill when she co-founded the Hadran womens Daf Yomi Talmud study group in 2012. Hadran meaning we will return is part of the blessing said upon completion of a Talmudic tractate.I realized a lot of women in my community didnt have access to Talmud study, but I thought that the way the modern world was going, it was hard to understand how this could be, Cohen Farber told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.She said that most women in the religious-Zionist sector in Israel do not learn Talmud and have never done so, and that most of that community still does not think it particularly important for women to do so.She noted that even today, most girls schools do not have Talmud study as an obligatory or even an optional curriculum subject.There is a big gap between what girls and boys are offered in this regard, something which in our modern age shouldnt be happening
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on First mass womens Daf Yomi celebration to take place in Jerusalem – The Jerusalem Post
admin | December 17, 2019
A maggid isa Jewish preacher, a title most commonly held by preacherswho flourished in Poland and Russia during the 17th and 18th centuries, mostnotably the Maggid of Mezrich. A maggidwould usually preach about ethics, morality and religious observance, oftenlinked to the current Torah portion or holiday, with the goal ofencouraging or admonishing the audience
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on What Is a Maggid? – From fire and brimstone to the rise of the Chassidic movement –
admin | December 17, 2019
The number 70 is a key number in the Torah and the Tanach. It is spoken about in Daniel as well as Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) in relation to a span of time concerning the first exile.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Redemption Now: 70 Years is Up, A New Beginning is Upon Us –
admin | December 17, 2019
Alan Stern Published 10:17 a.m. ET Dec. 16, 2019 | Updated 5:00 a.m
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Judaism What is It, anyway? It comes in many forms – Asbury Park Press