admin | January 2, 2020
For more than a half-century, public debate in Israel has been dominated by two large sets of issues: externally, how to work for peace while maintaining maximum security; domestically, how to navigate the relationship between religion and state. But when it came to social and economic policy, debate gave way to across-the-board consensus: for decades, it was taken largely for granted that welfare-state economics and heavy government regulation made up the sine qua non of the good society. The past few years, however, have seen a subtle yet quite dramatic change.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The Rise and Prospects of Israeli Conservatism – Mosaic
admin | January 2, 2020
One of the common and mistaken myths about the Jews is the claim that they did not excel at sports.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on From the Maccabiah to Maccabism: How an ethos of ‘muscular Judaism’ went wrong – Haaretz
admin | January 2, 2020
After the poisonous response I got to my book, Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origin of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, I vowed to stay out of discussions about Jews and Israel, but I keep breaking my resolution. Most recently it is over the coincidence of the anti-Semitic attacks in New Jersey and New York and New York Times columnist Bret Stephens column on Jews and anti-Semitism, in which he manages simultaneously to reinforce one of the historic tropes of anti-Semitism that Jews are a superior race and blame critics of Israels rightwing government for the outbreak of anti-Semitism.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Jews, Israel, Bret Stephens, And The Latest Outbreaks Of Anti-Semitism – TPM
admin | January 2, 2020
16th annual conference of rabbis and community leaders Arutz Sheva The World Conference for Rabbis and Leaders of Jewish Diaspora Communities from the World Zionist Organization's Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora opened today in Jerusalem. About 150 leaders from 40 countries convened for 3 days of discussions on religion and state, anti-Semitism, the modern family, and more
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Worldwide rabbis gather in Jerusalem – Arutz Sheva
admin | January 2, 2020
In a 2018 essay for Mosaic titled Israel and China Take a Leap ForwardBut to What?, Arthur Herman made a timely and consequential contribution to the U.S.-Israel alliance by illuminating some of the dilemmas posed to it by intensifying Sino-American rivalry. In particular, Herman argued that since mastery of sophisticated, dual-use technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), unmanned systems, and quantum computing are vital terrain in the strategic competition with China, it was incumbent on Israel to establish stronger protections to ensure that its own world-class private-sector companies working in these areas would not be captured by Beijing, through foreign investment, and then leveraged for strategic advantage against the Americans.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Israel Can Teach America How to Be More Creative in the Face of Powerful Adversaries – Mosaic
admin | January 2, 2020
By Lawrence DavidsonTrump and the constitution It is a pretty sure thing that President Donald Trump is ignorant of what is in the US Constitution and, in any case, does not care much about what the document says. Take the idea of freedom of speech as set down in the First Amendment
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Donald Trump’s executive order on anti-Semitism: A category mistake exposing his ignorance, amorality and opportunism – Redress Information &…