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Can Judaism Thrive If Cut Off from Its Talmudic Roots? – Mosaic

| January 14, 2020

When the literary critic Adam Kirsch began the regimen of daily Talmud study known as daf yomi (daily page) seven-and-a-half years ago, he did not do so in the spirit of a believer, and he concluded it earlier this month still a confirmed secular Jew.

Jewish women defy rabbis and start reading forbidden text – The Independent

| January 14, 2020

It isDay 2,699, with 12 days to go. At 8.15amabout a half-dozen women settlearound the dining table in a suburban home in Raanana, a few miles north of Tel Aviv, and open their Talmudic volumes.

Why Lift the Bride and Groom on Chairs at Jewish Weddings? –

| January 14, 2020

If youve been to a Jewish wedding, you mayhave witnessed the bride and groom being lifted on chairs (or even on tables)and danced around by joyous well-wishers. Where did this custom come from? Itis considered a great mitzvah to make the bride and groom joyful at theirwedding.

Reconnecting with my family’s kosher past – The Week Magazine

| January 14, 2020

Sign Up for Our free email newsletters My older brother, Jake, was called to the Torah almost 19 years ago to the day. As he chanted in Hebrew to our congregation, he wore a yarmulke on his head and a tallit around his shoulders, while a photographer snap-snap-snapped photos, which we can no longer find. I still remember the bagels: everything, sesame, pumpernickel, onion, poppy seed but not blueberry, which we didn't believe in piled as high as the clouds

The Rebbes Advice to a Boy Whose Father Was Terminally Ill – COLlive – Chabad News

| January 14, 2020

Watch: Yaakov Schiffman joined his family in an audience with the Rebbe when his father was terminally ill. The Rebbe proceeded to teach him a page of Talmud, and a lesson that changed his life

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